Mom has a 10,000 in Sears & AARP mastercard debt. 29.9%, and 19.9%. Cos. will not budge. Income is $1400 After basic expenses, she has $300 Min payment on the 2 cards is $300. What happens if she notifies them she is no longer able to make the payments ? She has no assets. Nothing.
However, she has to stop using credit cards. Using them and knowing that you can't pay, is the same as stealing.
You have the right to not be harassed. For examples there are limits as to what hours a collection agency can call, but they can call. You are not responsible to pay, mom is.
Mom like anyone else has the right to file bankruptcy.
At the end of the day, credit companies will not spend too much time chasing collections if there are no assets....good money after bad. They will however sell the debt for pennies on the dollar to agencies that are highly motivated to collect.