What do you suggest? Our LO is about 30 miles outside our metro area. We are able to visit each weekend. We are very happy with care. It is one of two certified in state to be actual memory care.
I would like to start start sending her some packets of stuff, maybe magazines, or other? Clippings?
We send gigantic bouquets of flowers monthly. They are in common area, where she puts them, as a kind of show and tell.
Do you have any other ideas?
* certified as actual fully fledged memory care facility. In case there was a question about that.
You are welcome.
Thank you so much for your ideas.
More than you know.
Put travel size lotions with cute socks.
Maybe some nice chapstick or lip gloss.
Encouraging verses on post cards that can be put on a board in their room or in the hallway.
Magazines, chocolates, flavored popcorns. (I make popcorn with some oil and powdered sugar in the pan, then drizzle, after it's popped, dark and white chocolate over it, I mix it up while the chocolates are still melted for the residents with no teeth. They say it makes it soft and easy to eat.)
Maybe a fun hand towel for the bathroom with some scented hand soap.
Is their anything they specifically remember or enjoy? Find a way to incorporate those items.
One thing that is great for you, your loved one can receive the same package many times and it will be like the 1st time. Keep track of the things that bring special joy and send those is varying combinations.
You are very kind for all you do and are seeking to do for your loved one. Hugs!