He says its because she's not a regular client. I think it's an excessive rate, even if she's not a regular client. I think he is taking advantage of her because she his elderly. My mother was sheltered by my father and her mental state is declining. But, she insists that it's a good rate and won't look elsewhere. My mother is OCD about cleaning so what she thinks is a lot of leaves is actually a skimpy and very small amount of clean-up work to a normal person. This landscaper has barely any work to do and he is charging her way too much to do it.
Should I just let it go? It bothers me to see her taken advantage of this way.
Cat poop is as bad, if not worse than dog poop, especially if you are growing vegetables in your garden--it can get you sick.
The family went to the salon where the manicurist was employed and reported her to the salon owner. The manicurist was asked to return the overage and she was reported to her State Board. It is very common for elders and those who are vulnerable to have their innocence exploited. We have to be their advocates and always challenge injustice. If the landscaper is asked to give you a quote for service and you get that quote in writing, all parties will be better off. I do agree that $52 is a fair rate for landscaping. Just know ahead of time what you are going to be paying for. You can always ask that the work be customized, minimized etc.