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A "very feeble" man wants to go on a two-week vacay by himself? As he's so feeble, how is this even fathomable?
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Isthisrealyreal Jun 2019
He lives in independent living, if he was so feeble would that be possible?
Isthis: I'm just going by the OP's subject line - "very feeble father."
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MJInslee Jun 2019
Thank you, for reminding everyone that in the short question, those words are most important in considering the situation!!!! Everyone seems to think she is trying to imprison her dad. She says right off, he's very feeble. Thank you.
My mentally handicapped daughter living in a group home goes on a cruise once a year through an organization called "Search Beyond." They make sure someone helps her get on the right airplane, then they have their own apartments to use, take her to amusement places like Disney Land, then on a short cruise to the Bahamas. She is always monitored in her travels and everything has worked well for many years now in taking these trips. Perhaps there is an organization like this for elderly, non-mentally handicapped people that lets them travel safely, with help always available if needed.
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I traveled by train approximately 4 years ago and most of the time I did not have trouble (I have problems with my back and knees.)  The hardest part was getting on and off the Amtrak train in the middle of nowhere (or at the rural towns along the Amtrak route) as the train conductor was only able to provide a stool for me to step on to get into or off of the train.  Since the Amtrak train was a double decker, I made sure to get a reservation for the lower level.  It was easy to get to my seat and to the large bathroom located in the train car.  I was not able to climb the spiral stairs & walk to the Dining Car.  Luckily I had brought lots of snack food and even had a small insulated bag with a frozen "Blue Ice" packet.  The people riding on the Amtrak train were friendly and we looked after each other.  I helped a man who was visually impaired get his guide dog outside for a "potty break" during the train trip.  And another passenger helped the man find the restroom.  We asked the man how we could help him prior to doing anything.

Once I got to Chicago, there was an electric cart that took passengers from the Amtrak train to the terminal and then you had to get on another cart that took you to the gate of your next train.  The "commuter" trains have one level which is the same height as the train platform in the suburbs or other cities and each train car was equipped with a hydraulic lift that allowed someone who could not climb the stairs or was in a wheelchair to be lower to the platform in Chicago.  

I think that age is relative.  My Grandma was 92 when she quit traveling with the Senior "Fun Club" and it was because of her impaired mental status and not her physical ability that she had to quit traveling.

Please keep us informed as to your Dad's travel plans.  Good Luck and I hope that he enjoys his vacation.
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I will be 86 and if I could walk, but I can't due to an old spinal injury, I would be going all over kingdom come. I have no family but I am l00% mentally alert, take care of all of my own affairs; drive and eat out by myself (using my walker); just finished six years of college; have involvement in all kinds of hobbies; actively pursue something new and challenging on a daily basis. And I still work two jobs that I love - one 50 years and the other l4 years. So for me, age would not mean a thing. I can't walk - pain is too great and only very short distances to my car with a walker. Other than that I am in a wheelchair and that does not work traveling alone. You might consider certain tours geared to elderly people. They may be able to give you some help and advise you how to handle this - but a guided tour would be the ONLY way I would let him go. Does he have the money for a companion?
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fantasmagorical Jun 2019
I am happy to hear you are so vigorous! Sorry, you are having pain that inhibits a fuller life. I hope you continue to seize the day until the very end of your life.
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I have thought about you and your father off and on since yesterday. What is your concern about him going? Is it he might get sick? die? get lost? What exactly are you concerned about? My mother who almost never traveled, flew from Ontario CA. to Dallas Texas by herself to see a cousin she hadn't seen in 70 years when she was 90. Mom didn't drive, never wrote a check until my dad died when she was 65. I worried, but she did just fine. She asked for help from the airlines and they arranged for a ride to the next terminal when she had to change planes in Phoenix. It might help if you can pin down exactly what your concern is and maybe this forum can find a work-around for you.

I am an active 85, Well, today is the 17th and I will be 85 on the 20th. I have a very bad back, I have swallowed my pride and get a wheelchair ride in airports. Really, it is pretty good because the employee pushing the chair knows where to go. I have a cell phone. There are shuttles to hotels, etc. I have found that everyone is so sweet to me when I travel.
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freqflyer Jun 2019
MaryKathleen, don't worry about using the wheelchair at the airport. My ex-Mom-in-law always used it even though she could have easily walked. She figured she had earn the right at her age :)
Can he take my mom with him? Lol
shes on a walker ( broken hip )
she talks a lot
she just told me she wants a boyfriend
my dad died 28 years ago
Helpful Answer (3)
MJInslee Jun 2019
Can I come live with you? Your sense of humor is just what I needed right now. Thank you!!
Mjlnslee: You're welcome. There's the answer right up front - "VERY FEEBLE." And thank you for agreeing!
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Peacefullness;;Hello !! MY AUNTIE ALSO NEEDS TO GO ON A TRIP !! She says shes gonna take her buggie to ,NY .then shes going to the 5& dime in her buggie ,the buggie is her wheechair oh shes 94 but shes not with it she has alzheimers .If your dad is with it be HAPPY!!! BUT maybe just take him on a very short trip like to the next town let him walk as much as he can, and he can see 1st hand that any trip would be difficult being physically feeble thats what we used to have to do with Auntie she would go to 1 store and be worn out for 3 days......GOOD LUCK!!
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