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DH is dealing with that now. Most often, his BP changes with position:

Lying flat = normal ... Sitting = high ... Standing = low. This is very new. Results at home, in the doc's office and at the dialysis clinic all corroborate each other.

Also, BP may change rapidly for no identified reason. Right now, his docs call it "orthostatic hypotension." But he has highs *and* lows. DH has an appointment this Wednesday. We may get more answers, or not.

It's quite debilitating. He's 62. Due to multiple health issues (post-stroke, diabetes, and now end-stage renal disease), he has deficits in cognition and stamina. Nowadays, the deficits fluctuate with his BP. I can't leave him alone for a full hour during the day.

Will let you know if I learn anything more on Wednesday (or not), just in case it may be helpful to you.

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That’s a pretty big gulf between 120 to 180.
Id suggest that you try to have the readings to be as consistent as possible & under the same conditions to see if perhaps the readings are inaccurate.
How is her BP being done? Always at a doctors office, or at a machine like those HIGI stations at pharmacies & Sams clubs, or are you doing the reading yourself on her from a cuff kit bought at Walmart?
try to note if when reading done if she is in pain & where on a 1-10 scale; if she’s taken Alleve or other naproxen; drank a good bit of water before the reading. These 3 alone can spike a reading by 10-15.
plus anxiety like Alva described.
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I did go through a period with Luz's BP. It would be low one minute and high at another.
Our PCP prescribed a med for it and it helped. Both the PCP and the visiting nurse
told me to watch it closely to monitor it closely and if it went to the extremes to get her to ER. Nothing cured it but it did help to control it, some. It seemed to help her to get into a relaxed atmosphere or just to relax some, like watching her favorite TV show ( a talent show with kids). Personal attention helped also. Holding her, talking and joking with her, sometimes a small snack like pudding or frozen cherries.
I wish you the best of luck with this.
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No. It is however VERY COMMON with anxiety, and basically it is me. I can barely get about with low BP from medications, but put in in front of a medical facility and I am up to 180/90. I warned an MD of this in January before a surgery and told the anesthesiologist that I looked to be hypertensive but that was with white coats about "white coat phobia" and would bottom with any meds to relax me. After surgery he told he he was so glad to be forewarned as I went 140s/90s to 90s/ nothing. It is common for me. They call it "labile" blood pressure. You can look it up. It means up, down, all over the place and often circumstance driven. Nothing to do with dementia but TONS to do with anxiety.
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