Hi, we need some kind of portable/mobile device to help with patient transfers at a hotel on a medical trip. Such as getting our loved one (who cant stand, cant pull themselves up to stand, etc) from the hotel bed (already a challenge as it's not electric like their home hospital bed where we can lift the head up and down), to either their wheelchair or a shower chair commode on wheels that we would them wheel them over the toilet with. Any brand/models would be appreciated-we need it to be portable so we can put it in the back of a small suv or a wheelchair van rental-we were looking at these types of portable chairs, but you have to get a sling under the person's bottom before you can use it (https://www.amazon.com/RUESPOT-Wheelchair-Transfer-Electric-Foldable/dp/B0CRP6WQBP/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=LVYROCNS6EOJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.IbIbugB0XKE5wyJ_tMU672998kJOr1mK6Pz8_xe6wArJQA0jcrwmRdm2jNpgasaUkgcG0c_Rd9TLYyvWTN6hp4f3u_X0_Pre3hLs0MSdfILOurglOlPDW8NUr5wZH3qAERtaQGYa_tf235OMP2wV_zTGTG7_td0WNskma3NWOcfsdx1PkbMG4cPM9GDR3YREKBeg_rqpcWexF5SBYmT6yG_C9QN_FXn45YzW_-dW3p1Gt3euoO6nvQAPAxebsCUDlQlVmphGAkPoj_Gcy9K93a9xfHy8moCeoZfZ4ulODNc.6VUD42m6zO7Dg2eF50wkbZRZWfsYrAKhD9XnTei-SW0&dib_tag=se&keywords=portable+patient+chair&qid=1723427222&sprefix=portable+patient+chair%2Caps%2C119&sr=8-1-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.765d4786-5719-48b9-b588-eab9385652d5&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1)-something like this where you dont need a sling would be better (https://www.walmart.com/ip/Lift-Chair-Transferred-Lift-Wheelchair-180-Split-Seat-and-Potty-4-in-1-Portable-Transfer-Chair-440lb/5203044328) thanks