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My aunt had the same symptoms and did have colon cancer at age 76. She was stage 4 already when they removed the tumor it was spread to her liver already. She refused radiation and did chemo once a week until they side effects became too much for her. Her cancer had spread to lungs next and she tried chemo again but quit. She lived 23 months after diagnosis. Hospice kept her comfortable in the end but she was a very bitter and mean person those last 2 years.
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This is a hard place to be in. The work up should cover a lot of ground, not just colon cancer. Will pray for you, your dad, and his doctors, all!
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Im sorry for the loss of your aunt. I am grateful my dad is not bitter. Hes not happy. But he still plans for the future if and when hes feeling better. I have never seen anyone want to live so long! Hes 82 and always refused to admit his age and he has always been a thinker and a doer. He amazes me i would probably tell myself welp this is it and quit planning to make money ect.. but he is not an average man. Lol thank you all again. Day by day.
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My sister had no symptoms, except for a severe stomach/abdominal pain that sent her to her doctor on a whim. She was immediately hospitalized, 12" of her colon was removed, she went through the chemo, and the cancer metastasized to her liver. She fought ~ valiantly, but lost her life 9 months from the date of diagnoses. She was brilliant, kind and loved life and learning.

Dad also lost weight quickly - down to 110lbs at the most. At 79 he was diagnosed with prostrate cancer. He was no longer a candidate for the stem cell - [like a thin needle inserted under the skin] and went through the radiation, while wearing a back brace. The cancer metastasized throughout his spine.

Please look into the virtual colonoscopy that GrandmaLynn5 suggested, as fast as possible. Your Dad may need to have palliative care, depending on the results/diagnosis. i've had genetic counseling, as 6 relatives have died due to colon cancer. We had enlisted the help [through the social worker] of Hospice ~ they are literally Angels with car keys. If you don't have POA, Hippa auth, etc., please get it asap - even if the attorney needs to make a house call.

Given your Dad's weight loss, may i gently suggest that time is of the essence ~ please contact his doctor, or any GI specialist. You need to have it at the very least, ruled out. Something else may be going on ... but you're powerless to have any options without any further information.

i don't wish to alarm you, but my uncle had no symptoms. He went in for a routine 2-yr check up, and the doc started, and then stopped the procedure. My uncle didn't wake up, ended up spending his last days 30 in a coma, on dialysis, and in one second of clarity my aunt asked if he wanted to "go home" - as a reverend, he said Yes. And the artificial means of life sustaining equipment were unplugged, and ceased.

Sending blessings and hugs ~ may God guide you through this unfamiliar journey with clarity, peace and wisdom.
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Thank you cricket33 and all of you. Im going to call the doctor in the morning. Its been two weeks and still no medicine for appetite. Insurance issue. Hes barely getting around. Said the other day he thought he was hving a heart attack. Thoufht he was going to have to go to hospital. I was gone and my husband was here. The pain in his chest left. Now hes complaining of back pain. But hes staying in bed alot. He said hes really weak. He comes out for coffee w me and all he wants to talk about is seeing relatives ive never heard of. Remembering and milling over people hes always been to busy in my lifetime to keep up with! I guess this is normal. I think to myself though well i guess He'll see all of them in heaven soon. May sound bad but hes talking about gathering people from Lord knows where to have a family reunion. Weve been going over these people and old girlfriends he gets stuck on. I wonder at what point he will be at peace to let go of this world and also forgive himself for the past. Day by day like i said. The amount of food he can consume and the stomach aches are sure not good. Dont yall think doing the colonoscopy with his rapid weight loss will only cause him to lose more weight? Its basically like a cleanse where he would end up losing pounds right? Well, the doctor is suppose to be setting up the consultation for the GI doctor. Well see what he says. Thnks again, xxooo
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I am sad to report, my dad passed away last week. We were sitting on the bed talking the night before. He had gotten up and got a rolaid so i know his stomach was not feeling well. But he must not have been in terrible pain because he layed down. When i found him, he did still however have the rolaid in his mouth. I wish i wouldve been awake. It has been very hard. Im in a daze. The funeral was on the day of the appointment i set for gi doctor. So i guess ill never know exactly what it was. I hope he died quickly in his sleep.
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Sorry for your loss.
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Thank you
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“Life is no brief candle. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.” ~George Bernard Shaw~

my3kidsok ~ May God gently hold you in the palm of His Hand. May your dear Dad’s love give light and guide your footsteps, and your heartbeat. After your tears and fears subside ~ the love and devotion you gave unconditionally will be there to light mystically silent days, too. Sometimes, the treasure cove of memories will even outshine the sun ~ joy, laughter and music will return: your Dad would want that for you. He’d want your Life’s torch to burn brightly, too. Blessings. crickets
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I am so sorry for your loss. Colon Cancer is EVIL. Pure and simple. I could not believe my mom came out of surgery with no colostomy bag. But it returned...not long after. She refused any further treatment. Told me she had settled everything with God. She was placed in Hospice at the hospital. It was so nice. We put her furniture and pictures in there and sat with her day and night until she passed. She was a wonderful women. When parents die, there is just no words for the feelings we have. That was my mom, the women who brought me into this world. It was hard. I cannot tell you it will get easier. You will miss him everyday. I am SO sorry.
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