
My mom has been in rehab for a hip replacement for the past two weeks and my siblings and I have taken turns staying with our dad who had dementia. We talk to her and visit every day, but he doesn't remember doing those things. He is getting very upset, saying things like "Why didn't anyone tell me or why don't we visit her?" or "We should call." when we've just gotten off the phone with her.
We know it's frustrating if we say, we did visit or call because he can't remember!!
Any suggestions on how to handle questions like those??
Thank you!

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When it comes to memory loss, the best thing to say is "we will visit [or call] Mom tomorrow, as she needs her rest" and leave it at that.

If Dad repeats the question, you just repeat the phase again. He may ask again a few more times until you are able to distract him into doing something else.
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