My mom is 96 yrs old. My problem is her eye doctors are high pressure appt drs. They want her to come to office 6 x per year. I used to do it and we would sit there 2 1/2 - 3 hrs each time. Every time we are told everything looks good. I don't feel comfortable doing it any more because she is very frail and I am afraid for her safety. They are very high pressure and even sent a certified letter to get us to make more appts. Please let me know your thoughts.
My mother is legally blind. She has numerous problems with her eyes, but none can be improved upon. If she went to the opthamologist six times a year it would make no difference. All her doctor does is test the pressure and write prescriptions for her drops.
I would totally do what you are doing and find another doctor group that is not so high pressure.
Six times a year? Maybe for the first year after her conditions were diagnosed, but since they are stable I can't imagine that is justified. Does her insurance cover all these visits?
Good of you to look out for your mom. My father also had macular degeneration but his eye doctor only saw him twice a year. But I too hated how they made my father wait in the office for sometimes over an hour for his appointment.
I find 6 times a year excessive. I hate to even say this but it feels like the doctor only wants to see your mom to get more money out of her. I wouldn't hesitate to seek out a second or third opinion.