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Since she already knows something is happening I would tell she will ask a million questions when pts. would ask me again and again the same question sometimes if I asked them that question they would give me the right answer it was wried. May she can help plan her room in the new house like the color or curtains etc. good luck it must be very upseting to have to relocate at that age and then again. My Mother is too sharp do not throw anything at me but she knows what to tell each of us my sister was planning a trip for months and hours before she was to leave my Mon told me that she had been sick for days but did not tell my sister who lives closeby and I live states away she has done this before when my sister is planning a trip she still told me my sister does not know that she is sick which is not true as Judge Judy says if you tell the truth you do not need a good memory she told my sister's husband not to tell my sister and she tells my sister she is better and tells me the truth-she is 91 and very cagy.
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