Desperate situation. I have three siblings, two of whom don't work, and none who do anything to help. They won't even take her out to lunch. My mother, who has end stage ms, asked my elder sister if she would wash her hair and my sister refused. She did it in a sneaky way by texting me that mom had emailed her re her hair and that I should wash it, insinuating clearly that i had dropped the ball. The final straw came yesterday, and I am so totally sickened by this that I can't even think straight. I have the flu, it started yesterday, and while I've had to endure my fathers abuse for iypt, I was just getting done what I could . My mother had diahhrea yesterday and dad took her back to bed. Today my skin is itchy and I have a fever of 101. But yesterday, my sister told me that she thinks I gave my mother laxatives in order to "back up" my "story" about being sick. I am now not just faking my illness according to her, I would also harm my mother. I can't even find a word or words to describe how disgusting she is for even thinking that, let alone saying it out loud. Please, please, does anyone know how to deal with someone like this? By the way, the family knows my temp is 101 today and not one has offered to come help even though I am certain I am contagious. I am at a loss and know that when I feel physically better I am going to have quite a bit of anger. Any advice please, this crushed me. I don't really care that she called me a faker (she is47 years old if you can believe that) because I am used to her low pathetic blows. But this latest sickens me. When I told my elderly father what shed said he did not say a word in my defense. If somebody has dealt with a family this lazy and overtly evil please I am desperate for advice. Thank you.
kazzaa LOL - that gave me a much needed laugh. I like your imagination. These days are a bit rough and a good laugh helps. Part of what keeps us going,
Me too, LOL. I was thinking while reading your spastic rant that we all must be the nutty ones. I'm sure that you are right about them colluding with each other to get what they want and act any way they damn please all for the purpose of making us work harder and trying to make us miserable. LOL!
Pretend your sibs don't exist, and start scouring the recesses of your neighborhood for free or low-cost helping hands. Like I say sometimes in Spanish, "El que no llora no mama". Put simply, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
As a parent, I owed my sons the moment they were born. They didn't ask me to bring them into my world, so I've never expected them to drop what they're doing and come to the rescue. Whatever they do for me comes from their heart and moral compass, and never has a price tag attached to it.
If I had the money i would buy mum a ticket to paris and just text my sister to pick her up at the airport?
Ive decided to stuff them why bother wasting your breath,time and energy on them there will be plenty to say when mum dies.
Mum feels guilty that my sis paid for my hair? she expects me to be eternally grateful? what she spent on me is nothing compared to the work i do of looking after mum 24/7 over 5yrs?
She will fly back now and here we go again!!!!!!