
Need encouragement and support as siblings believe her pathological lying despite I am the only caregiver, have helped her heal from pathetic medical care and over-medicating by dr/hosp. She did not plan - as she claims - for this time in her life (alone and needing care) and I am left scrambling to save family home (she mortgaged to hilt while claiming to be saving it for other sibling). She has also lied to family friends and with a siblings bad druggie reputation, my name is generally mud in this small town. I want to save the home and do something rejuvenating with it but the stresses to that point, because of her, are draining me quick. Help!

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Why do you want to save the family house? Is one of your siblings likely to inherit it? How are you scrambling? Is this involving your own money?

You know she isn't going to change, don't you? She will continue lying and throwing you under the bus. Seems to me you ought to establish yourself and start with a clean reputation somewhere else.

There are several people on this board with experience with narcissistic parents. I'm sure you'll get some helpful perspectives.
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Hold on wildflower, someone will come along with some good advice for you.
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