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Unfortunately, I know this scenario all to well- this type of person adds extra stress to a situation that is unnecessary. My sibling lives close and offers only opinions as support along with the daily beat down of "you shoulds". I have learned to set boundaries(harder than it sounds). Keep a journal of your caregiving and conversations with him, just the facts. Maybe talk to a lawyer for a free consult and see what they advise.
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Ignore your brother-in-law. He's wasting what little energy you have. You have nothing to worry about legally. Seriously, he can just come here and stay with his mom or take her back to China to care for her himself if nobody's care is on par with what he'd provide.
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Can I sue my brother in law? I been taking care my mother in law for 3 years 24/7 w/o compensation she is 99 years old mentally very sharp physical deteriorated helpless cant not walk, go to the bathroom,need cooking her meals, laundry bathing and all the rest, her vision is poor,also her hearing. he told me no money,she have a house, little savings and social security, what I can do I need to make my own living.she doesn't want to go to nursing home.
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