So Mon. 9/26/22 I was up most the night with my 95yr old mom helping her to the RR and we didn't get much sleep. After a year+ with a very swollen white left foot and a now very swollen right foot and falls and hit to her head she woke up Tues. and all the swelling in both feet was gone as if it was never there, I was shocked and have no idea where it went?
Anyway, I got a call from our Hospice social worker telling me they had a bed open if I wanted to take my mom for respite so I agreed, for 5 days.
My mom was eating well, still a little mobile with a walker, able to ride in a car and speak, fuss at me. she came home not able to do any except speak a little and now barely eats.
This would be the 1st time ever. I packed her a bag and had her down there at 6pm Tues., she was so mad at me for taking her and it was just to give me a short break since I am the only caregiver. So I spoke to her by phone Wed. she seemed her cranky self but wasn't eating good like she normally does at home, I decided to go see her on Thurs. cause she was asking for me and when I saw the food they served I now know why she refused to eat it!! They had also put in a Cath due to her asking to go to the RR so much. I could see she had took a bad decline in 48 hrs so I told them I am taking her home, when she knew she was coming home she got agitated and started to scream & yell "I want to go home" broke my heart. Anyway they sedated her and I left, I ordered a hospital bed and had it set up before she arrived on Fri. at 4pm via ambulance. 2 gals and 1 guy got her in the house, they could not get the gurney in her room due to how our hallway is so they pushed her into the living room and attempted to lift her to carry her to her room, it was very clear they were not strong enough to carry her at 100 pounds so my hubby got mad and told them to get the hell out of the way before you drop and kill her, needless to say my hubby picked her up and carried her to her bed and then we had to adjust her. I still had to call lift assist out to fix her in her bed that night.
So now my mom is bones, barely eating or drinking can no longer walk and is very weak. She can still swallow pills and is putting out about 16-20oz of urine in a 24hr period which is really yellow with white stuff in it.
I have cried for 3 days now because I feel I caused this rapid decline and feel so guilty cause had I of not wanted a break she would still be eating, walking, feeding herself, fussing at me etc and I will carry this guilt with me forever. I am so heart broken that I caused this. So now I don't really know how much longer she has, I am hoping her hospice nurse will be able to come out tomorrow and see her.
Today my hubby got her up and we put her night gown on and put her in the transport chair, I made her scramble egg for breakfast and some coffee and she took her am pills. I took her out on the back porch to get some fresh air and sunshine. I want to make sure her last days, weeks, month are pleasant as can be. It's upset me so bad to the point I am not eating and in such a brain fog I don't know what to do but cry.
We think she has some head trauma from all the falls and blows her head has taken from them because she has a few small lumps on the back of her head, complains of her head hurting and squinches her eyes alot now. I have been giving her meds for pain and to keep her comfortable all week since she came back home.
The last few mornings she has been very talkative and waking us up saying she needs to get up and get dressed and wants to go out to eat, at night seems to be the worst for her and us as we thought she was going to leave us. She is so boney and we hate feeling like we are starving her due to her inability to really eat/drink, its terrible to see this decline. Her eyes are all sunk in and super red around them, her speech has gotten worse but her urine output has been about 12oz in a 24hr period but is very dark. I am taking this so hard and know I am going to need some therapy to get over this, its heartbreaking to watch. I just pray for her to be free of pain during this process and that she crosses over soon. Thank you all so much.