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IF he responded /that/ dramatically to just coconut oil added to his diet...then maybe, he didn't have real dementia....could have been long-term deficiency in good fats dulling his brain. True.
There are illnesses and deficiencies that can masquerade as mental ills and dementias of all kinds. UIT's hide behind apparent behavior problems and dementias. Lack of probiotics can mess up digestion, causing loads of other ills, too.
Fixing the deficiencies, fixes the ills, more often than not. Learning what to look for or what to do, is the tricky part, because mainstream medicine is SOoooooo slow to come around to learning about nutritional things, much less recommend their patients to use them...and more important, to use them PROPERLY.
Beware of Docs who recommend wimpy doses of things that need large doses, or, token amounts when a realistic dose would be larger. It requires doing plenty of your own homework!
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I've been begging the people at the assisted living facility where my mother is to start giving her coconut oil. I shall persevere until they begin giving it to her. There are SO many rules and regulations. I could have found the cure for Alzheimer's and they wouldn't be able to give it to her until all the proper paperwork has been filled out. I don't expect a miracle. But if it could help, even a little, I think it's important to try.
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I saw that a doctor a woman gave coconut oil to her husband in his oatmeal and it was a drastic change. I need to try this with my mom but I will have to trick her.
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Yes my husband been on coconut oil for about 4yrs. He has Alzheimer's mild to moderate. I research the coconut oil and had my husband try it. He can even see the difference by taking them. He takes the gel pills and up to 3/4 a day. It's wonderful. It has helped so much. The ALZ website is doing a research on the coconut oil and they are very happy with the outcome. You should go to ALZ website & they have a lot of information on a lot of issues and you can talk to other people in your same predicament.. God Bless!! :):):):)
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Gulping a spoonful of coconut oil sometimes causes nausea, because it's a chunk of fat. A tasty alternative is to add 1-3 teaspoons of coconut oil to hot tea or hot coffee, add milk, put it all in blender for half a minute or so. This makes it foamy and creamy and easy to digest.
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Heating coconut oil destroys the benefits. I give 2 tbs in fruit (apple sauce, peaches).
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Thank you for the great testimonials on coconut oil. I agree that this natural method is not something the Drs. or pharmaceutical companies would approve since money would be lost. I will start giving my Mother a tablespoon everyday, I have been giving her only a teaspoon, every once in a while. Is it necessary to give together with Omega-3 pills? My mother cannot swallow large pills. My mother is taking antidepressants and we think has dementia symptoms, which is undiagnosed.
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an easy way is to put it in tea or coffee. but just don't stir it in, it may become an oil slick on top (yuck) so it is best to make your coffee/tea, put in your creamer (or make as you like it), your sweetener then pour into a blender, like nutribullet, magic bullet etc (although I suppose a regular blender may work but haven't tried that) and blend. It should come out like a frothy latte. yum!
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I have been recommending and taking Coconut soft gels for over 2 years. As an eldercare advisor I have encouraged everyone to try it. It is cheap and will not hurt you, so see if it helps your brain. Many of us have lower colesterol numbers because of our taking coconut oil. There will never be scientific research for doctors to say yes it works because it is cheap and drug companies cannot make a profit. I know it gives me clarity and creativity. Many with Dementia do improve. How I can tell if it really works? If miss several days of not taking I become very forgetful and cannot organize my thoughts. Interesting thing about it is coconut oil is a good saturated fat that nourish the brain. Remember about 25 years ago when it was decided that saturated fat was bad for us and we should eat lo fat diets. Dementia has been on the rise the past 20 years. Gee, maybe there is a connection. You may regain some of your memory! Take it twice a day for a couple of weeks. I take one with a morning meal and 1 at night with dinner. Sams and Walmart and Vita Cost sell the soft gels. You can purchase it in jars for skin and hair and baking.
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I used to make oatmeal for my Mom, then mix 2 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil into the cereal. We would eat together so I would make mine the same exact way so we were doing it together. Soon after I added turmeric/curcumin, resveratrol, and fish oil with 800 mg EPA and 600 mg DHA to her daily supplements. She had vascular dementia and I definitely saw improvement from this. She would have good days and bad days. It's my belief it slowed down the progression, and I was grateful for every moment it gave us.
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It's never too late to start giving this to your mom. You may be surprised at what you see. Pharm Co cannot and will not promote any natural products simply because they cannot patten them. Therefore they cannot make money off the stuff. They would also loose their funding for discovering new drugs.
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Yes, why aren't they shouting this from the rooftops? Is it possible the Big Pharm won't benefit from this? I wish I had known this years ago when my mom wasn't so bad off.
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I have seen the extra virgin coconut oil in jars at health food stores but also in regular grocery stores. My local grocery carries it and stocks it right by the other cooking oils. I find the price is better in the grocery but will continue to shop around when I get the chance.
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Yes! Before I gave it to her she would like just zone out...not pay attention, but once I started giving it to her, she would interact, do things, talk...I think Coconut Oil really helps. My mom doesn't take any Alzheimer meds either, too expensive and didn't show a significant improvement. I give it to her by teaspoon and put it in her food.
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You can choose coconut oil with the coconut taste removed or with the taste intact. This way it can be added to other foods without changing their flavor. Yes... swishing with coconut oil in your mouth is excellent for gums and teeth. Highly recommend coconut oil for everyone!!!
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Yes I used coconut oil for my skin and began using it on my husbands skin also since he bruises easy and learned of benefits- now I will try coconut oil in his food too! I know olive oil works but have to careful or he gets bowels overload- it is very rich for his system with just a very small amount.
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I have read Mary Newport's book on coconut oil and have been giving it to my mother for the past 3 months. Unfortunately I see no difference with her. However, that's wonderful for everyone who has had success with it.
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I had heard about coconut oil about a year ago and gave it to my husband bigtime. Unfortunately, there were no positive results. And I wonder if it is because my husband has more frontotemporal dementia and not Alzheimer's. I tried every natural remedy for him that I could research, but the decline continues. Everyone should try coconut oil even though you will also get comments from others that is is a fat that is not healthy, and that there are no studies that conclusively confirm its good effects, etc. Try it and if it works, keep it up.
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Vitamin E also helps.
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Yes. And Costco stores also carries it.
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In order to get my husband to have the recommended two tablespoons of Coconut oil a day, I spread it on top of his food. It usually melts and so he can't see it. This way he gets the entire recommended amount. I agree that cooking with it doesn't give the recommended amount. However, it does benefit the rest of the family.
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This is wonderful! So, do you get it at Healthfood stores?
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I heard about on you tube. A woman doctor did research then gave it to her husband. He showed a big improvement. I try when I can to cook with it for my husband who has stroke related dementia. I can't get him to take it by mouth. So he doesn't get enough when I cook our food in it. I only cook with coconut or olive oil or butter. It's related to a keto diet. For a healthy brain we need good fat. They were giving dementia patients and kids with autism a keto diet and reduce.ts were amazing. Can be found on you tube under coconut oil for dementia/ autism.
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Iit also.comes in a pill form my mom takes two a day makes huge difference
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Johnjoe, like the poster above she's right we're all gonna die but there is something to how and quality of life in the meantime. Almost three years ago my mom's foot doc said she's very sick and probably not much time left. My heart doc said she has multiple blockages but her walking and nutrition have given her more quality time as she grew new blood vessels around her heart that was giving life and blood to where it's needed. She couldn't believe it and said well it's not her time yet and keep doing what you are for her. Only God knows and when he says it's time, okay it's time. If she were at death's door and not responsive I'm not sure how much effort I would continue at the pace I am doing now, but I would do everything I could to make her life count and be comfortable for however long that is. We don't know the day or hour and when the time comes, in my pain and tears, I'll know I did the best I could for her. It's not to imply you won't or haven't, just saying even until the end when her time is up, I will be okay. If you are at peace with it then I think that's what counts ultimately.
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Johnnjoe ... we're all going to die of something sometime. Does that mean we give up now? No. She may forget but you won't. And you'll have peace knowing you did everything you could.
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Here is a link. Dr. Newport: alzheimers/2013-05-29/coconut-oil-for-alzheimers/
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I would say that using the highest quality, ie organic oil is the best bet and stay away from pills or other forms. I would cook with it but not use this as the way to "get your oil". Take it in as pure a form as you can. I mix it in yoghurt, and while it does get lumpy a bit it is easy to get down.
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I tried the coconut oil for quite a while with no positive results. Also, my husband eventually refused to take it because he didn't like the taste of it.
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Yes I introduced My Mother to coco nut oil in Her foods two and a half years ago
after Mum was diagnosed with Al/s. I give the coco nut oil in the soup. I can't say
honestly if I've noticed an improvement, but I am sure the decline is very slow. Sometimes I stop to examine My conscience and wonder AM I JUST POSTPONING THE INEVIATIBLE, WHEN I KNOW ALZHEIMER'S WILL END MY POR MOTHER'S LIFE ? WOULD IT BE A KINDER ACT OF MERCY TO ALLOW OUR LOVED ONE DRIFT AWAY NATURALLY INTO THE NIGHT, AS OPPOSED TO PROLONGING THEIR EVENTUAL ZERO QUALITY OF LIFE. I would love to hear Your thoughts on this.
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