My grandmother just got out of the hospital for minor Congestive Heart Failure. The doctor told us that we needed to weight her every morning to monitor the fluid retention since she is unable to communicate when she is feeling symptoms. We will not stand on a scale, I have looked into chairs with scales on them and they cost any where from $600-$1200, anyone have any tricks or cheaper alternatives. I did look on Craig's list for a possible used one but no luck, are there second hand medical equipment out there?
She has a prescription for as needed. The retention she gets is more in her abdomen, I measure too since we can't get her weight.
Does your grandmother take Lasix every day or just as needed for water retention? My mother takes it as needed. I can tell by looking at her ankles when she needs to take it. My mother doesn't have CHF, just hypertension and the swelling that comes with the condition, the medicines, and diabetes.