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Try asking the cheapskate to let you live in the empty house that mom no longer lives in rent free and then the raise you expect for all of the added duties you have been assigned in addition to your original agreement and get it in writing if possible. You might remind him that President Lincoln freed the slaves in 1865!
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Oh, and while there have been times that I have HAD to stay the night due to various reason(children's field trips, severe weather etc), he has not paid me ANY overtime, which I have just learned is required, if an employee is not a casual babysitter or is not a live in.
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I don't think there is enough money for all that you are doing. Sounds like there needs to be 3 eight-hour shifts handling this family. How unfair for these children.

You can't do anything about the negligence of your boss towards his family but you can certainly take responsibility for yourself. Let him know you can only work 8 hours a day and the going rate for your responsibilities is $21.00/hour. Give 2 weeks notice if he doesn't agree and for sure, let him know your final day will be whatever you decide to get things together for move in the fall.

This gentlemen needs a serious reality check as to what is going on in the life of his family and life in general.
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Yes, I do understand that I am, which is why I am asking what a fair price is to charge. He is a pilot for a private airline(flies rich people around all over the country). I have been living with my mother and stepdad for 5 years because I went thru an extremely nasty divorce from an alcoholic, cheating, abusive husband of 23 years. He tried to kill me(tried to strangle me, pushing a bone spur into my spinal cord, almost paralyzing me), because I was ruining his fun with his latest mistress. This was after he spent $100,000.00 on toys for himself, which bankrupted us. I had no choice but to file bankruptcy too. He thought I was making all my symptoms of fibromyalgia up(started in 07, finally got dx'd in 2012) Its not been a pleasant past 7 years. I am hoping to get my life together and move myself down to florida before this coming fall, so i dont have to deal with the harsh winters anymore, Thank you, I appreciate your thought! Hugs!
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I can't believe you do all of that for only $10/hour. You are being so taken advantage of. You should be charging between $20-$30/hour which is what in-home help costs. You should be charging AT LEAST that because not only do you take care of the mom but you have the 2 kids to deal with too. Your employer must be very smug and self-satisfied that he found someone to do all of that for such a low wage. But I don't think you'll be able to get $20/hour out of this guy since he's been paying $10. Threaten to quit if he doesn't pay you more money but be prepared to quit if he says no. This sounds like an awful job.

I agree that the kids shouldn't be there with their grandma alone but that is not your problem to solve. This man sounds like an idiotic jerk and not someone I would ever want to work for. Instead of piling more tasks on you he should be thanking you on his knees for everything you do.

I hope you can realize that you are being taken advantage of and do something about it. Your loyalties are not to the kids or the mother, they're to yourself first.
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