Is this financial abuse? My parents have a heath care poa. they were very ill and were in a nursing home. they have private nursing home insurance & medicare. The POA moved them to assisted living facility which was not covered by the insurance, about $3500 mos. as they got sicker the poa hired private care nurses which my parents had to pay out pocket, $500 week average. their combined income was only about $3400mos. the poa used all their cash to cover these expenses, plus they have mortgage and other bills to be paid. as they continued to get sicker, she finally moved them back to the nursing home. now their 90day waiting period started over so they have to pay whatever medicare doesnt. my day was hysterial with worry about this. he has since passed away and there is no money to help my mom except what she gets. when they were moved to asstd living all therapy stopped. these were unnecessary expenses which she new wouldnt be covered because she is a nursing director for the company that owns the assisted living facility they were in.
Why do your parents have a non-family member as POA, if they do?
How was this arranged where this person had no accountabilty to family members?
It creates a red-flag, but may be above board and perfectly explainable.
Not a criticism, but do you now have any plans to shut the barn door after the cows have escaped? Will you be helping take charge and look into this for parents? Bless you in your attempts to inquire-at least someone cares!
Given the likely hood of the choice confronting the POA...those choices do not look out of line to me.
At this point, if the money is gone..your Mom will qualify for Medicaid and have those expenses covered.
It is abuse if the POA took money and didn't use it for the care of your parents...but that seems to not be the case