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Wow! That's a lot of supplies. 40 gallons of bleach?? You could offer it on e-bay and start your retirement fund! Otherwise I would donate to the many charities that don't have surpluses. Homeless shelters, LTC facilites, and many other locations mentioned below. Don't get rid of it all... COVID is on the rebound.
Helpful Answer (6)
Stacy0122 Oct 2020
I looked on Amazon. With the way they jack up prices, you could start a retirement fund.
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Some stores may refuse returns on certain items.
Helpful Answer (4)
freqflyer Nov 2020
The stores in my area have "NO RETURNS" signs, even the grocery stores. I can understand why.
I had a friend that did that extreme couponing awhile back. She got so much stuff that she donated boxes and boxes of stuff to military troops and abused women’s shelters.

There is an art to that! She told me it is very time consuming. She was trying to teach me how to do it. There are tricks to getting the most for your money. She was great at it!

Most people aren’t able to contribute that much time to extreme couponing.

It was amazing how much she got for next to nothing but every single closet in her house was completely full! Thank God she lives alone.

I used to have a Sam’s card but I can’t buy in bulk. I don’t want products to go to waste so I didn’t renew the card. They have some great deals but I find it works better for larger families.
Helpful Answer (1)
Stacy0122 Oct 2020
I have a Sams card, I keep the business because of the eye doctor there. When you need 4 pairs of glasses/sunglasses a year, its worth it at 40% off and he understands I cannot drive with progressives. Oh, and he is pretty, very, very pretty.
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Sounds like you might be one of the reasons I could not buy toilet paper for 2 months. Why I could not buy sanitizing wipes of any brand and all the rest of the supplies that you say you have not horded. I don't have excess.
All the items you mention could be donated to an animal shelter (ok maybe not the TP) a local private or church run Daycare Center, a nearby NON PROFIT nursing home, Hospice.
These items will last so you can keep them and use them as you normally would but please each time you change a roll of TP or reach for a wipe remember the people that could not get those items when they needed them
Helpful Answer (10)
Isthisrealyreal Oct 2020
I don't think that she was getting them when nobody could find toilet paper.

I have stocked up to ensure that I don't have to try and buy any if there is another run on it. Meaning that someone in need won't be competing with me or Stacy for tp.

It is the wise thing to do with all the talk of another surge. Everyone should get stocked up.
I would keep most of the items. The hoarders might try to buy out everything once again in the near future. Senior Center or homeless shelters might be a good choice. I only have enough supplies for a few months. I have enough sanitizer, but not enough toilet paper, gloves and Lysol wipes and sprays. Hard to find these items still.
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I have a business card, personal card and complementary spouse card for a warehouse club so limit of 1 is actually limit of 3. I have been so used to picking up things on all three to give away, it is second nature which I understand I need to control but like Sun, I could get tp, pt, clorox wipes, store pack, lysol spray and gloves so I just did it. The people I had been giving to are stocked and I feel like an a** doing a return.
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Isthisrealyreal Oct 2020
I would keep the items, none of them go bad and you will eventually use everything.
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Are you taking requests. You can donate your excess to me😁.

I can't find rubbing alcohol anywhere. I did see a 16 oz bottle for 4.99 a few weeks ago and decided that I would not contribute to profiteering.

You have obviously been a diligent shopper to find everything you need and then some. Good Job!
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haileybug Oct 2020
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Almost any school would likely kill for supplies as would almost any LTC facility. Especially with N95 masks they are having a difficult time keeping them on hand.
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pamzimmrrt Oct 2020
N95s need to be fitted to work correctly.. but if you have the soft kind I am willing to give it a go..LOL Our hospital is out of the comfortable ones.. so I am using mine until they litteraly break! At this point I no longer care if they fit correctly,, I just have to wear them. Its hard to talk to my patients in the really tight ones
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Keep what you think you will use. Donate to those in need.

I have sewn tons and tons of masks. What are people going to do with all of these masks after this virus runs it’s course?

I have horrible allergies so I can use mine when I am cleaning around dust but there are a lot of masks out there!

I didn’t buy a lot of excess supplies from stores. Where I live we couldn’t do that. There were signs saying to limit purchases on everything so all of us would have supplies. We have stores here that designate the early morning hours for seniors.

The problem with selling products on eBay is shipping costs. I am not familiar with the stipulations on eBay because I am not a seller on it.

Where are you storing all of those products? Seems like a lot.

Keep continuing to give to those in need. They will be grateful. So many people are unemployed at this time. Your donation will certainly be a blessing to them.
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AlvaDeer Oct 2020
I sew masks as well, needs help. I make many kimono's for family and friends, and I have a lot of leftover fabric, so sew masks now for myself, family and friends as well.
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I haven't been able to find Clorox wipes or any other cleaning products but Windex since March...........I was lucky to finally be able to buy toilet paper on Amazon in April after feeling slight panic that the stores were all sold out, time and time and time again, even to us seniors who'd go early in the morning in hopes of finding some. My daughter accused me of being a hoarder for buying 48 rolls of TP and told me not to tell anyone b/c they'd think the same thing!!

So, to answer your question: I don't have excess anything. I'd very much love to be able to stop making my own spray cleaners and get my hands on some Clorox Scentiva Spray; I miss it.
Helpful Answer (3)
Isthisrealyreal Oct 2020
Lowe's has been where I have found lysol cleaner.

I just found a product called SNAPS! today. You add your own cleaner to a reusable container of 10x7 inch cloth like cleaning wipes. Great solution when you can not find the wipes.
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If you have the room to store it, keep it in case of a second wave. It's not going to go bad; and when there's a vaccine readily available, you can always donate it to a local food pantry, they'll always take things like that.
Helpful Answer (6)
Isthisrealyreal Oct 2020
So true!
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