I have a friend in Michigan who is in a rehab center after an extended hospital stay. She awoke to a man touching her inappropriately while in the rehab center. She is moving back home today, but what steps should we take to help her, gather info, report this, etc?
Fortunately, there was no woods. Ha! Just after she told me, we were in her room, a young male attendant walked in...mom eyed him suspiciously, and said, "Well, well, well. There he is. You owe me an APOLOGY!"
"Uh-oh, what did I do??"
You know what you did, young man. Yesterday. When we went for a walk in the woods."
He never skipped a beat. "Well, I wasn't at work yesterday, but.I sure am sorry."
She smiled and said, "That's okay. I know you didn't mean it."
I winked at him. He smiled and went on about his business.
If you question in your mind if that happened, contact the police. With skepticism, please.