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Does your mom converse at all? I am not normally a chatty person so I find it so difficult trying to coax a response from my mom, mostly it feels as though I am talking to myself. In desperation I did a google search for "conversation starters" and got some good ideas like: what is your favourite ice cream, meal, season? did you have a pet when you were little? did you like school, what was your favourite subject? what kind of games did you play? Try googling it yourself, there are many more!
Helpful Answer (6)

I just retread sorry you are a girl. My alz husband will do dot to dot by hisself for hours. He also likes puzzles w big pieces. Try w 48 pc puzzle. What did she like to do before? Check in thrift store toy dept for something.
Helpful Answer (2)

Try bringing some pictures like when you were little or a trip. Ask questions that only require yes or no. When you talk to her look in her eyes at eye level. She may not be hearing well, speak in slow distinct short sentences. Just hold her hand or put your arm around her. You were once her little boy & she did those things for you. You are a caring person. God bless you.
Helpful Answer (3)

Why not read a book to her.
Read the newspaper.
Just talk about what is going on in your life.
Interested in going out or not it might be nice just to say.."Mom I need to go for a walk, let's go together"..get her into a wheelchair if necessary and go for a walk. If she is in a facility walk the grounds outside or even down the halls if it is cold or raining.
And last but not least.
It is your presence that can comfort her. Just being there is a help. Even if all you do is read to yourself.
Hold hands. Give her a hand rub, back rub.
Touch is so important and many people loose that. I can feel my husband relax when I rub his back, his breathing changes, the noises he makes change. It is fascinating that a back rub can do as much as a drug.
Helpful Answer (13)

Talk about *anything*. The weather, what's on tv, the flowers or trees outside the window....just talk. Tell her what's going on in your life, and DO ask her questions, even if she doesn't answer. If she becomes agitated when you talk with her, then maybe silence IS the right approach, but try to give her some mental and social interaction first to see how it goes. Maybe if you try to bring her out of her shell, you can get her to start participating a bit more.
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