We have in the past two weeks been able to have Dad's former in-home caregivers visit him in the skilled nursing facility and they report a lack of good care and lack of attention to our Dad. My sister has repeatedly had trouble contacting the nurse's station.... rings with no answer ... to get an update or talk about our father's care. The hospice org that is supposed to also have a hand in his care has refused him ativan and lasix (edema in legs) because it lowers his already low blood pressure... the man is on hospice... we are not looking for rehabilitative care, we want comfort care for our father in his last days and they are worried that he might die... HUH? So we are making arrangements to move him to another place under a different hospice org, Agape hospice house. We want to report the lack of care that my father has received for an expensive stay. Who do we report to? We are in South Carolina.