OCD in the Elderly

Resources for dealing with older adults who exhibit a pattern of obsessive behaviors, or recurrent and persistent thoughts and urges that cause distress and anxiety.

OCD Articles

  • Anxiety, Hoarding and OCD in the Elderly

    Anxiety can be a normal reaction to stress, but when a senior’s fears, worries and coping mechanisms negatively affect their daily activities, relationships and quality of life, it crosses over into a serious mental health condition.

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Elders

    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder that involves uncontrollable thoughts and ritualistic behaviors. In seniors, the onset of OCD symptoms later in life may actually indicate the beginnings of dementia.

  • Understanding Mental Health Issues in Seniors

    The diagnosis and treatment of mental illness in the elderly is challenging yet critical. Increasing awareness of the unique relationship between aging and psychiatric disorders is the first step toward improving mental health care for older adults.

  • Dangers of Hoarding Behavior Become More Severe With Age

    Elderly hoarding is something that most family caregivers do not anticipate having to deal with. This behavior often increases with age and creates a hazardous living environment for older adults. Take these 5 steps to help a senior who hoards.

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