Senior Health

  • Protecting a Senior Against Coronavirus

    Coronavirus is especially worrisome for those who are living with elderly loved ones. Family caregivers should take the following precautions to protect seniors from COVID-19.

  • Chronic Health Conditions and the Flu: A Deadly Combination

    For elderly people, influenza can lead to serious complications like pneumonia, exacerbate existing chronic medical conditions and even cause death. Vaccinations are a senior’s best defense against the flu and related complications.

  • How to Talk to the Doctor About Your Elderly Parent or Spouse

    Seniors may mislead their doctors due to fear, denial or a phenomenon called “showtiming.” Fortunately, there are some tips that caregivers can use to ensure doctors are well-informed while their loved ones’ dignity remains intact.

  • 6 Household Items That Could Be Making Your Family Sick

    Bacteria, viruses and allergens hide in and on many household items, causing colds, infections and allergic reactions. Learn how to disinfect these everyday objects to prevent illness.

  • How to Communicate with a Senior Who Can No Longer Speak

    It is frightening to watch an aging loved one lose their ability to talk, respond or communicate in any manner, but the powers of touch and hearing can help family caregivers continue to connect with seniors who have aphasia.

  • High Blood Pressure Guidelines and Treatments for Seniors

    According to the American Heart Association, a reading of 130/80 mmHg or higher constitutes high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Learn blood pressure guidelines for seniors to ensure hypertension is detected and treated promptly.

  • Hand-Washing Best Practices for Seniors and Family Caregivers

    Frequent hand-washing prevents the spread of viruses and bacteria and is a fundamental part of infection control. Learn the best hand-washing techniques and discover which products for good hand hygiene can help keep you and your family healthy.

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  • Caregiver Tips to Prevent and Heal Bed Sores

    Pressure ulcers, also known as bed sores, are a painful and potentially very serious medical condition. Family caregivers offer their best tips for caring for a senior who is experiencing bed sores.

  • Are You Eating Your ABCs?

    Specific vitamins can have a significant positive (or negative) impact on your health. Learn what each one does, how to spot a deficiency, and what foods you should add to your diet to make sure you're meeting your nutritional requirements.

  • What Caregivers Need to Know About C. Difficile

    C. diff infections are on the rise in hospitals and nursing homes, and ill seniors are particularly vulnerable to this persistent bug. Use these best hygiene and antibiotic practices to keep your loved one and yourself healthy.

  • Caring for a Senior With Edema

    Seniors are at a higher risk of developing edema, swelling due to fluid retention. Family caregivers should learn the symptoms and causes of edema in elderly individuals to prevent serious complications, some of which can be life-threatening.

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  • Anemia in Seniors: What to Look for and How to Treat It

    Fatigue, weakness and irritability are considered “normal” symptoms of aging, but these red flags may actually point to a serious underlying condition. Be aware of these signs and others that warrant a trip to the doctor and some blood work.

  • What Every Caregiver Should Know About Bed Sores

    Pressure ulcers (bed sores) are often considered a sign of poor care or neglect, but these painful wounds can happen to any senior. Prevention and early detection are crucial for keeping an elder's skin healthy.

  • Caring for a Loved One with Lung Disease

    For seniors with lung disease, difficulty breathing is a common symptom that can affect energy levels and limit activities. Explore tips on how to help someone with respiratory problems improve their sleep quality, nutrition and overall health.

  • Andropause: A Taboo Topic for Many Men

    Men’s testosterone levels decrease with age, resulting in a number of mental and physical changes. A mental health counselor examines the causes and effects of these hormonal changes and the controversy surrounding the male aging process.

  • Protect Yourself from Antibiotic Overuse and Prevent Resistance

    Antibiotics can be useful against many different infections, but their overuse contributes to making certain strains of bacteria into drug-resistant "super bugs." Learn how to correctly use these medications and prevent resistance.

  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Aging Men

    Testosterone levels decrease naturally as men age, but hormone replacement therapy for 'Low T' has become a hot topic for men who wish to offset some of the common side effects of andropause. However, hormonal supplements may increase health risks.

  • Aphasia: Speech Problems Caused by Brain Injury

    Some seniors may lose the ability to communicate following a stroke or due to the progression of a neurological disease. Fortunately, a variety of tools and techniques are available to facilitate communication with a loved one who has a speech disorder.

  • Scabies: A Common Skin Condition in Long-Term Care Facilities

    Scabies is a common skin condition in long-term care facilities like nursing homes and assisted living communities. The resulting rash can be extremely uncomfortable, and may take multiple rounds of treatment to get rid of the parasites.

  • Sex in the Time of Caregiving

    When combined, the stresses of caregiving and changes brought on by menopause can take a serious toll on a woman’s sex life. A women’s health expert shares how female caregivers can improve their sexual health and quality of life.

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