Senior Medical Treatment Decisions

  • How are Strokes Diagnosed and Treated?

    A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is suddenly interrupted, or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts.

  • Hip Replacement Surgery: How to Prepare and What to Expect

    Learn what hip replacement surgery involves and what you can do to aid in hip replacement recovery and rehabilitation.

  • Changes to Make in Your Life After a Heart Attack

    When someone has a heart attack, their life, as well as the lives of the people who care for them, changes forever.

  • Lewy Body: The Second-Most Common Form of Dementia

    Lewy Body Dementia is caused by different factors than Alzheimer's disease, but the symptoms can be hard to differentiate.

  • How Glaucoma Is Diagnosed and Treated

    Glaucoma is detected through a comprehensive eye exam. Treatments, including medication and surgery, delay progression of the disease, but do not restore eyesight that has already been lost.

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  • An Overview of Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer among men in the U.S. Only skin cancer is more common. Out of every three men who are diagnosed with cancer each year, one is diagnosed with prostate cancer.

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  • Cataracts: Signs, Symptoms and Diagnosis

    A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision in elderly people. Left untreated, cataracts can greatly impact vision, making driving, walking and other daily activities dangerous for elders.

  • Warning Signs of Senior Eye Disease

    As we age, we become prone to a variety of eye problems, including glaucoma, macular degeneration and cataracts. Proper diagnosis is key to prevention and treatment. Knowing what red flags to look for can save your vision.

  • Reversible Conditions That Can Be Mistaken for Dementia

    Depression, nutritional deficiencies, and side effects from medications are among many reversible conditions that could be mistaken for dementia.

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  • Medical Marijuana for Seniors: Weighing the Risks, Benefits and Out-of-Pocket Costs

    Cannabis is a hot topic among elders who are weary of prescription drugs and seeking alternatives for managing symptoms like pain and anxiety. But medical marijuana isn’t for everyone—there are medical, legal and financial implications to consider.

  • New and Alternative Treatments: Why Not Try This?

    Friends and family often try to help a person with dementia by suggesting new and alternative therapies they may benefit from. But is it truly worth using precious remaining time trying experimental solutions and chasing down "cures?"

  • Light Therapy for Dementia Patients and Family Caregivers

    Fall and winter can bring on unexplained fatigue and irritability in both caregivers and seniors. Bright light therapy is a drug-free treatment that helps regulate sleep/wake cycles, stabilize mood and minimize the symptoms of sundowning.

  • Medical Marijuana May Hold Hope for Some

    Individuals who have chronic conditions and live in states where marijuana is legal for medical use may benefit from this alternative treatment.

  • Weighing the Pros and Cons of Herbal Medications for Seniors

    Many people are more comfortable with taking a naturally derived medicine compared to a pharmaceutical that is synthesized in a laboratory. However, just because a medication is made from natural ingredients does not guarantee its safety or effectiveness.

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  • Ways to Remove Skin Tags

    Skin tags are a common skin problem for older adults. Removing skin tags with surgery is a simple procedure that can be performed by a dermatologist.

  • Inching Towards a Cure for Alzheimer's

    Headlines proclaiming the discovery of a potential Alzheimer's treatment are often in the news, yet a cure for the disease continues to elude scientists. So what's happening?

  • Do More Expensive Drugs Really Work Better?

    A new study shows Parkinson's patients actually score better on motor skills tests when they think one medicine costs more than another; even if they're identical.

  • The Promising New Surgery for Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s

    A new surgical technique promises to help alleviate the neurological glitches caused by Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, depression and other brain disorders.

  • 7 Things to Know About Statin Drugs

    Statins are the most common prescription medication taken by aging adults, and as with any drug, there are benefits of and drawbacks to their use. Consider these facts if you or your loved one is taking a cholesterol-lowering drug.

  • Coconut Oil for Alzheimer’s: Miracle Cure or Myth?

    In the absence of formal clinical trials, it's hard to say whether anecdotes touting the benefits of using coconut oil to minimize the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are rooted in fact or just the product of another health fad.

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