Feeding Tube Care

  • The Risks and Benefits of Feeding Tubes for the Elderly

    Deciding whether to use a feeding tube is a complex matter, especially for older patients. Family caregivers should understand why and when tube feeding is appropriate in case they must make this choice for their loved one someday.

  • Deciding on an End of Life Plan

    Selecting a course of action at the end of life can be a complex task, but it must be done. Often a new diagnosis is the instigating factor in formally deciding on a plan.This can include a DNR, advance directive, living will, and/or VSED.

  • Medical Overtreatment Can Have Dire Consequences for Seniors

    Tests, treatments and medications are supposed to make people healthier, but when it comes to medical care for seniors, less is more in most cases.

  • Caregiver Communication About Feeding Tube Insertion

    A gastric feeding tube represents one way to nourish dementia-stricken elders who lose the ability to eat. However, research indicates that many doctors are not having discussions with caregivers regarding the pros and cons of feeding tube insertion.

  • "VSED" as an Advance Directive in Case of Future Dementia

    I want to die with dignity and protect my family. Here's my advance directive to voluntarily stop eating and drinking (VSED) in the event of future dementia or other incapacitating irreversible condition.

  • When Is It Time for a Nursing Home?

    Most seniors (and their family caregivers) share a common goal: avoiding nursing home placement. But when an elder’s needs increase, it’s important to recognize when it’s time for a higher level of care.

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