Caregiver Burnout

  • Caregiving During COVID-19: Caregivers Share Advice, Encouragement and Support

    Family caregivers share their best self-care tips, pieces of wisdom and words of encouragement for peers who are caring for aging loved ones (and themselves) while coping with the coronavirus pandemic.

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  • Am I Ready for This? Attending a Caregiver Support Group

    Family caregivers face difficult emotional and logistical challenges while caring for aging and ill loved ones. You’ve probably heard the suggestion to seek out a caregiver support group, but what exactly does that entail and is it a good fit for you?

  • Caregiver Statistics: Facts About Family Caregivers

    Millions of Americans step into the role of family caregiver without really thinking about this label or fully understanding the responsibilities and sacrifices that come with it.

  • Caregivers, Take Care of Yourselves at All Costs

    As a dementia patient, I see how much my wife handles on a daily basis. Caregivers like her are far from invincible, though, and it’s important for the entire family to recognize this and make respite time a regular occurrence.

  • Caregivers Are Only Human: A Realistic Approach to Burnout

    Dementia-related behaviors can wear on even the most level-headed caregiver. Instead of feeling guilty after lashing out, be gentle and honest with yourself and do whatever it takes to prevent future burnout.

  • Caregiver Stress May Be Deadlier for Women

    Chronic stress can lead to heart problems, sleep disorders, inflammation, compromised immune function and depression. All caregivers must learn to effectively manage their stress levels. Otherwise, our care recipients may outlive us.

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  • How a Trip to Starbucks Saved My Sanity

    When I first became a caregiver, I found refuge in the oddest places. Here's the story of how the local Starbucks practically saved my sanity.

  • Family and Professional Caregivers Are More Alike Than Different

    A popular belief is that professional caregivers aren't as emotionally invested in the well-being of their elderly clients and therefore the care they provide is substandard compared to that of family caregivers. But how true is this assumption?

  • God Bless the Caregivers

    Day-to-day annoyances wear on caregivers after a while. Sometimes, all we can do is grit our teeth, focus on the positives and try our best to get through it.

  • Is Caregiving Good or Bad for Your Health?

    Countless studies have highlighted the detrimental effects that caring for an ill or aging loved one can have on one’s physical and mental health, but other research suggests that there are some benefits of being a family caregiver.

  • How Caregiving Can Change Your Personality

    There’s no getting around it: being a long-term family caregiver is bound to impact how you think and who you are as a person. Discover how to recognize and embrace some of the personality changes caused by caregiving.

  • Family Caregivers Benefit From Individualized Support

    Family caregivers face singular situations and may thus benefit from individualized support, according to a new study.

  • 8 Truths of Dementia Caregiving

    Each caregiver's journey is unique, but most dementia caregivers come to realize there are a handful of principles that guide us while we are caring for our loved ones with cognitive impairment.

  • Caregiving Is a Lot Like Football

    In both caregiving and football, the pressure is intense and teamwork can make all the difference. As a primary caregiver, you are the leader of a team that is working cooperatively toward the goal of providing excellent care.

  • Why Is It So Hard to Relax? How Caregivers Can Learn to Unwind

    When you finally manage to take time to unwind, do you find it difficult to relax? If so, you’re not alone. Learn how to switch off “caregiver mode” so you can fully benefit from valuable respite time.

  • Saying “No” to an Elderly Parent’s Demands

    Caregivers are nurturing people who often put others’ needs before their own. So, where do you draw the line and say, “I can do this much and nothing more”?

  • Coping with Caregiving: How to End the Habit of Emotional Eating

    Caregivers often turn to food as a source of comfort in times of stress. Use these steps to create a less stressful caregiving experience and stop emotional eating.

  • 13 New Year's Resolutions for Caregivers

    Being a family caregiver isn’t always easy, but a new year presents the opportunity for a new beginning. Consider these realistic resolutions for a fresh start in 2022.

  • 30 Inspirational Quotes for Caregivers

    Has providing care for an aging loved one got you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed? Use these insightful caregiving quotes to lift your spirits on even the most difficult days.

  • How to Stop Engaging in Unhealthy Behaviors to Relieve Caregiver Stress

    Are you struggling with caregiver stress and finding it difficult to practice self-care? Use these six steps to replace unhealthy coping mechanisms with beneficial habits that relieve stress and anxiety.

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