
Time seems to go by so much faster as we age, doesn’t it? Can’t believe it’s almost 2020!

I did not find a suitable category for this topic so I chose mental health as a general subject about our well being either coping with caregiving or post caregiving.

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I will start off this thread by saying what I feel most in my heart.

Being the primary caregiver to my mom nearly killed me. So my wish for 2020 is all caregivers that feel trapped as I did will find the courage to make necessary changes in their lives, such as a placement in a facility or hiring additional help so they can get the adequate rest that they need instead of pushing themselves into overload.

i'll " predict " 2020 .

my sons killer gets tired of the blackmail and " ends " the primary conspirator thus ensuring he gets capital charges .

the ex goes to federal prison for her ignorant sht .

the grandson is hand delivered to my house by the judge himself , and i retire from working .

ive been in the workforce for 45 years . it was kind of fun for about the first 10 minutes -- then the ' suck ' set in .

I want to work on making my life the life that I really want. No one can do that but me. I'm making a good first start, by taking a mini vacation with some friends to the Keys for my birthday in Jan! I'm super excited as I have had no real vacation in many years. Caregiving for the last 5 years for my LO who has dementia has been stressful. While I'm scared to leave the state due to my LO being so frail and on Hospice, I've decided to do it anyway.

I hope it's warm enough for me to sit in the sun and sip on a nice Margarita! I plan to sleep when I want, enjoy the sunsets, and dine on awesome seafood for dinner, topping it off with some nice key lime pie! The plus, is that I'll be there to share with my closest friends and we can catch up on what's happening in each of our lives'. We can listen to music, laugh and just remember the good old days. I'm also planning to do something as a tribute to a mutual friend of ours, who passed away this spring.


I do believe 2020 is going to be your year and we will all celebrate with you!


Sip a cocktail for me too! Enjoy your trip, honey. You deserve a break after non stop caregiving. Hugs! Trust me, many of us understand how you feel. I did it for nearly 15 years in my home and many more years before that in her home.

You may view it as a treat but it’s necessary for you to refuel your body, mind and soul. Have a wonderful time! Key lime pie is fantastic! Yum!

My hope is that we all find some kind of peace of mind.
Personally I hope when my mom moves out in January that she will be happy and realize how much I actually did care for her while here in my home.
Hahaha gotcha ^^^! Like that will happen.
But seriously, I want all caregivers to have more help and less strife and for love to over ride FOG.


Peace of mind, yes...

Nice thought about your mom even if it doesn’t become a reality.

Having my life back doing nornmal things getting out like I use to travel have a boy friend this will be def last time that I care giving for any one. Getting a job fix up my car it's a used one but it does its job it's still going.just have a life being care free and get the old me back.

I sincerely hope all of your wishes, dreams, hopes, desires and prayers are answered in 2020. It’s hard to believe we are approaching 2020! No more teens.

It really does seem like time goes by faster as we age. I hate thinking about getting older.

I pray that I never get Parkinson’s disease like my mom or the any of the horrendous conditions that I read about on this site, especially ALZ. I would rather be dead.

I love this post needhelpwithmom!!! Cheers to the year 2020. I hope everyone gets the help they need with caregiving. Getting respite, asking for help, not getting burned out, the year 2020 is to focus on each and every one of YOU!!!!

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