My mom has two main ones. Whenever I take her out to eat, when she finishes, she's "full as a tick." I get to hear that at least 5X before I get her home. The other thing is every time I take her out (she moved up here to the Chicago suburbs from central Illinois), she "can't get over the TREES up here." I think she thought she'd live in a concrete canyon instead of a suburb with lots of normal greenery.
So what does your loved ones repeat until you're ready to scream??? :)
"Huh? ... ... I don't know why I said huh because I heard you."
"I'm going to have to call Mr. X to tell him to finish the job on the house." (This job was finished two years ago.
"What day is it?"
Oh, I'm so mean. She can't help it, but I still get crazy.
I've been good can I have a Frappé?
Did you get me a Frappé?
I haven't talked to my mother in a long time, what do you mean she's dead, why didn't anyone tell me? What can I do to help. Will then give her silverware to set the table, which I will find later, maybe in the bathroom.:-O
Where are Jane, Sally and Linda? (not our real names) When she is looking right at me, but looking for her little girls. What do you mean your sisters moved out? They're living with boys, aren't they. Why didn't they tell me they were married. I didn't help them plan their weddings. I'm a terrible mother. I'm an awful daughter.
AAARRRGGGHHH! I'm tired now.
"Is it cold out there?"
"I want a cookie"
"Is it cold out there?"
"Hunh" whenever she sees a commercial for a restaurant. This means she wants to go there but won't ask.
My husband's grandmother used to say this a lot near the end: "Listen, listen, the cat's pissin'." I have no idea where that came from but we still say it to each other and now it makes us smile. Back then it was embarrassing.
The worst for me, is not so much as what she says all the time, it's what she does. I have 2 medium dogs, like most dogs they LOVE to follow me from room to room, especially the kitchen if I am making something. Well.... I might as well have said I have 3 dogs bcuz mom is right in the middle with them following me room to room!! LOL!! I have a hard time moving around the house trying to get things done as I'm always dodging or tripping over all 3 of em!!...not to mention the eerie feeling I get with 6 eyes on me while in the shower!!
"Here's your lunch. Pick up your spoon and eat it all up"
"*sigh* bosha bosha bosha..."