
Another forum member posted this, but it may have not been seen by all whom would benefit from reading it. It was in a reply to a question. I can't remember who it was, but thank you so much. Tons of information in a small number of pages.

Thank you again, OP!

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I almost didn't read any of the article because it began with a false premise. The article claims “All dementias are characterized by progressive brain failure due to brain cell deterioration and brain cell death. All dementias are fatal illnesses.” This is unequivocally wrong! Statements like this often prevent AD patients and their caregivers from seeking a cause for the dementia. If all dementias are fatal why seek a cause or cure? Because all dementias aren't fatal. PROGRESSIVE dementias are fatal. But there are over 70 different causes for dementia, some treatable and even reversible. An operable brain tumor is treatable. Medication side effects are reversible as well as vitamin deficiency and even UTIs. Thyroid disease, alcohol abuse, severe depression, Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, a clogged carotid artery, etc., etc., etc. are all treatable conditions that can cause dementia. Once I got past the opening statements and calmed down, I unexpectedly found that the rest of the article is a good primer for dementia caregivers.


Wow! Thank you for pointing that out!

How would one go about getting a diagnosis? My mother is in Memory Care, and we don't have a cause. We do know that my grandmother, my mother's mother, had dementia in her last few years. She died not recognizing anyone in our family.

My mother did have an MRI, and there was nothing remarkable about that. She also had a CT scan. Nothing there, either. Thyroid is treated. She is on antidepressants now, and also anxiety meds, because those were huge problems. The dementia remains.

Her primary doc was not helpful AT ALL.

Would the next step have been a neurologist? A long test would have TERRIFIED her and put her anxiety through the roof.

I really am clueless about this. Your insight would be helpful - I'm thinking of my daughters and what they should do if I am in the same position in 20 years.

Thank you!

sjplegacy, I guess it depends on what one medically defines as "dementia"?

From the

"Some diseases look like dementias, such as those caused by a reaction to medications or vitamin deficiencies, and they might improve with treatment."

"Looks like dementia" is not the same as actually being a diagnosis of a dementia. Just like vertigo can make one appear to walk like they are intoxicated (imbalanced). Yet that person is not actually drunk, just shares a similar outward "symptom". The diagnosis is vertigo, not intoxication. Does that make sense?


You are right, Geaton. The other “look like” dementias are pseudo-dementias and don't fit the definition. Clinically dementia not only means cognitive issues, but also one of the 4 As- agnosia, etc., executive functioning, or difficulty with everyday life. does a good job of differentiating the two. So does Teepa along with the fact that dementia is not a diagnosis.

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