Okay, so I vented here today and received some good advice and confirmation that I am doing the right thing. I did not realize how easy my caregiving duties are. Altho my mom is 87 near blind and deaf and she struggles with severe arthritis .she dresses herself (except for her pants), she can feed herself, use the bathroom by herself, be mobile using a walker, she has a good deposition and I I think her mind is normal for her age. Shame on me for thinking I have it rough. It seems my only problem is needing to get away alone once in awhile which will be taken care of soon.
I'm reading posts here of moms being mean and hurtful, have bad dementia, and many other problems that I dont have to deal with (yet?).
I realize now my mom is a sweety, always a thank you for bringing her a drink or whatever, generally in a good mood and has a good mind.
Thank you Aging care.com for helping me realize how easy i have it compared to others. Also thank you to those that helped with my other post. I have a much better attitude and appreciation of moms relatively good health!