Today truthfully, I am ready for my mom to die....most days I do not like her..everyday I take a 0.5 Xanax before I even step into the nursing home because I do not know what I am going to face. I go Monday -Friday during my lunch hour. People say don't do that but I am the only person in her life that isn't paid to take care of her. Will it be the sick woman ? Will it be the mean, mad and hateful woman that thrives on watching my face melt ? Will it be the one who she reminds that she does not want to be there and worked to hard all her life for it to end this way. She left me with every Tom, Dick and Harry as a child I was left with people I should have never been left with.
I am disgusted with myself for always wanting to be the pleaser. I admire the people that just let things roll off there backs. I was so angry with her last week when I left so you know what I did ? I went shopping and spent money I don't have to bring her some new stuff for her room that" may" make her happy. Plus, I have to buy her pads for incontinence because the pull ups the nursing home provides are not enough she says. What is wrong with me ? I was therapy for awhile a few years ago which helped. I have been my mom's caregiver since 1999 (she did not live with me) I am an only child my half brother died in 1997 and he took everything she owned before that happened. She has no friends..doesn't like anyone in the nursing home nor did she when she lived in the apartment. I am it... Decisions she has mad in her life put her where she is, but still I feel guilty.. I needed to vent this morning so I did. If you look at my account information you will see that I have been doing this awhile. Just needed to release some stream. I will tell you I am the wife to the love of my life the mother of two great kids married to people we love and I am blessed to be the Nana to my life is good in so many ways. I broke the pattern of dysfunction on my end. I am the only one who suffers at the hands of my mother and will continue to tend to her until she draws her last breath because that is what I feel God asks of me....Thanks for listening and any life altering words of wisdom are appreciated. Someone said let her words just flow over your head but her word are like a hurricane to me and even "if" I walk out swearing to not let it bother me it is always a little voice in my head that will not go is easy for people that do not do it, but you guys do....I didn't want her to die and me be mad at her but in the end she will die being mad at me which I told her last week without any response back. She will not talk to the hospice Chaplin nor the social worker. I am the only she sees other than the ones who are paid to tend to her.
Would you consider going back to your therapist during this stressful time in your life? I'm concerned that this unresolved relationship with your mother may continue to haunt you even after she dies. Getting some counseling now might help. You deserve all the help you can get!
Maybe she CAN'T begin to do that, and maybe your role IS to be the person she "dumps on" or "vents" with, but you can't sustain that if it is like posion dripping into your soul. If you can't go in believing that it is not your fault she can't be happy and peaceful and apprieciative of the fact she is getting cared for when she needs it, instead of just angry and resentful that she needs it, you may simply not be able to face this daily and should do something else instead. Maybe she is one of those people who can't find any forgiveness for herself for the choices that put her where she is and she needs to blame, blame, blame others - and you are the only "other" handy - to take the blame away from her. If she dies mad at you it is HER problem, not yours. And if you are mad at her for screwing up her life and your relationship it would be only normal since you actually care about her. You will find it possible to forgive her more once she has stopped hurting you, and it will take some time, so be sure to forgive yourself along the way. And you never know, maybe even the facility social worker or chaplain would be able to help YOU deal better with it all if you ask. They've seen it before. My mom's facility director helped me quite a bit.
I pray for peace and recovery for you, no matter what happens next and no matter how long it takes.
2tsnana, you've got it hard. My first idea is to see if more pain medication or an antidepressant or antipsychotic might make a big difference in her mood. I've seen it happen.
My other idea is to reinterpret her words in your head. When she says you're no good, what she really feels is sad, scared, and hopeless. If you can bring yourself to console her, instead of defending yourself, you might see a different reaction. It is a hard thing for a victim of verbal abuse to do.
If you can say, "Yes, Mom, your situation is tragic. Here you are, trapped in this horrible place, with no one visiting but your stupid little poopy-butt daughter. It's so unfair. The people here don't understand who you are, and they treat you like just anyone."
You can go a long way with "Yes, that's true. I know. That stinks. That's too bad."
You have put her in the best place you could, but to her it's awful. If you can be on her side and agree that it's awful, she might forget about your poopy butt, and start to be glad to see you.
That may be the ONLY chance you have to please her. Buying things will never help. God bless you.