We sit out on the front porch and he can take his oxygen hose out there from the unit inside the house. We have been doing that for some time now. Tonight, he had the portable, large tank out there and letting the inside unit still on. I got upset because that portable tank is for going places, and it costs money. When the unit in the house runs all the time. It's the little things like that that are senseless, he's not thinking, it's costing us extra money and on and on. It's just, I guess, more comfortable with the portable tank, but.
Actually, even if it irritates you, be thankful he's using his oxygen voluntarily. Some people who need it don't, then become short of breath.
I guess it's often hard to step back and look at the big picture, which is whether the cost of electricity for the concentrator or what you're pay for the portables is really worth arguing about - do you want to look back after he's gone and chastise yourself for focusing on small things? That's what I keep telling myself.
When I start to get irritated, I try to stop and ask himself if it's really worth an argument, if a year from now I'll remember this incident with regret, and the answer is yes. It's not worth the fight.