
I realize sometimes we will see something that could either be a coincidence or something very real. A few months after my Mom had passed, I was in my bed in my own house watching TV late at night.... my gosh, there was my Mom leaving the bedroom, disappearing through the door. This was just a split second. She was wearing her bathrobe. I didn't see her face, but I knew it was her. So strange as I wasn't even thinking about her.

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I've heard enough stories like this, Ff, to know better than to doubt them.

My dad died when I was a teen - on the first anniversary of his death my mom was out of town with her siblings - at night I heard footsteps from the living room down the hallway and felt his presence stand in my doorway as parents do to check on their kids in bed

FF, I have heard of these things happening. I have not been visited myself yet. Mom is probably too busy enjoying where she is. I do wonder if this will ever happen. If it does you all will be the first to know.

I had a vision of my Father several months after he died 45 years ago. I got weak and faint feeling. Laid down in bed. Saw him clearly in a floating lighted oval shape in his den in front of the built in desk that was previously my brothers bedroom. (My brother had got married and moved out of the house after college) Father was holding papers in his hands. He said it was his will. He told me to go read it and take it to Mother. Then the vision disappeared. Men were courting Mother and he wanted mother to know what would happened if she remarried per his will. He had a purpose and the outcome was what I thought he meant to have happen. I wasn't the one who brought the end result around to its outcome. But I believe he contacted me to have the end result brought about.

I'll be the sceptic then!

FF, I think you were thinking about her. I think your thoughts are exactly what you saw. It came as a jolt because you weren't aware that you were thinking about her, but she's such a constant presence in your mind that you don't need to be.

Which I think is a comfort, that our loved ones are that deeply embedded in us.

I still expect to hear my Dad when I pick up the phone, on occasion.

I'm not a skeptic per se but I do feel strongly that seeking out visits from our departed loved ones goes against the teachings of the Bible. My Hubs knows how much I miss my Mom and has suggested that we go visit a medium. While I truly believe that there are people who can communicate with the departed I think that those who are profiting from it are evil and could maybe tell you something but the source would not be a godly one.

One night shortly after Hubs and I had been having these types of conversations I had a dream about my Mom. She was laying next to me in bed. I had been praying a lot "God, let me have one last hug from my Mom" In my dream, my Mom said to me "Stop praying for one last may get it but it would not be me. Not everyone who has passed is nice" I took that as confirmation of what I already believe.

I hope to see her in heaven again one day. I will just have to be patient for that.

In agreement.
Love from,

My Irish Catholic superstitious grand ma believed in leprechauns and banshee's. Think I spelled that correctly. I grew up with her. She definitely believed in " visits ". My mom and I lived in the same house when her dad died. We had a cat. We went to bed early as the funeral was the next morning. I'm in my room , the cat is on my bed, my moms in her room. The cat wakes up and starts hissing at the wall. I see my grand pap in a suit floating up the wall. I saw the back of him. I was 20. I run into my moms room. She said , I just saw my dad floating up the wall and their was tear flowing down his cheek. I believe this is real.

my dad and i had an agreement he would visit me after he passed. He never did-.
I have been wondering if it is because of the trauma I experienced and that I no longer believe, so i wont see.

I had written this about 2 weeks ago on the "Caregiver's Cats Behaving Badly" about a strange incident.....

While my cat Katie was housed in the Animal ER, I noticed at home a certain unusual odor over by where I have my late Dad's bookcase filled with some of his books and knick knacks. My sig other and our male cat didn't notice the odor, but the other female cat did,... she even stood up to look into the bookcase. And would eye the bookcase every time she went by. This went on and off for two days. I know this sounds weird, I was wondering if my late Dad [who passed in Sept] was trying to tell me that it's ok, he will take care of Katie when and if she joins him.

The vibes that animals pick up can be very unsettling, FF; and I have experienced that one. The day after my father died, I drove with the kids and the dogs to my mother's house. Cindy always had to stay in the car until we'd made sure my parents' cats weren't anywhere where she'd bother them, so she was perfectly used to waiting a while before she was allowed inside.

As soon as I'd shut the front door behind us, Cindy started howling her head off. She'd never, ever howled before - we're talking wolves by moonlight style - but something set her off. An absence? A presence? No idea. It was just awful.

freqflyer....I can't believe all the "signs" I feel Iv'e had from Mother since she left and I really don't know what to think but it's like she's here sometimes,I just can't see her,but I feel her Love.

I hear and read of people who have "felt" their deceased loved one...that they know their loved one is with them. I'm envious of these people because I can see this feeling gives them some peace, a sense of calm. I wish I could feel my father but I guess I have too much anger and pain over what happened to him that I wouldn't be able to "feel" him. My heart just hurts too much.

Countrymouse, something similar happened to my Grandmother's dog. According to family members who where their decades ago, Grandmother had a stroke and was taken to the hospital, as time passed everyone felt she was recovering.

Then one day Grandmother's dog, out of the blue started to howl. Family members couldn't console the dog, the dog was frantic. Then the phone rang, a family member at the hospital said that Grandma had died. It was amazing how that dog knew.

My favorite Aunt died last June, she was 74 years old. She really suffered for several years before she died. She had Type 1 Diabetes since she was 30 years old, and finally died of heart failure. Also, She had fallen several times the last few years of her life, and had many broken bones. She was a very accomplished and talented person, and she was so beautiful. She was an RN, and worked in the Emergency Room of a big Hospital for many years, she played the piano very will, and knitted gorgeous sweaters for everyone in the Family. I was really upset when she died. I could not attend her Funeral because my husband has a very bad back and we could not drive to her service. For the last year, I did not feel that she was around. But, just this past week, she was in my dream and it was SO REAL. I could see that she was sad and unhappy, and maybe still in pain. She seemed a little bit confused too. So in my dream, I remember that I said to her: Auntie: we now have to celebrate the Holidays in a very different way. We used to celebrate Xmas Eve at my Aunt's house for many years. This dream was so vivid that I feel that my Aunt was really with me. I just wish that I had written down all of the details of the dream, as soon as I woke up. People often remember their dreams when they first wake up, but forget the details right away. It was just so REAL, and I do feel that she was really with me. I just wanted to tell her that she would be OK. Thanks All

My great gma was part native American, and she swore she saw each of her husbands standing at the foot of her bed after they passed.. both of them. Just looking at her. She was very calm about this, so I tend to think she did. MAybe they were saying goodbye ..

My mom died Christmas eve. She couldn't help the timing but it was sure within her personality. I have posted about her here before, we have not always had the best of relationships. A few weeks afterwards, I had a dream where she was doing what she had always done best: b*tching at me nonstop. I remember yelling at her, just please stop it and she wouldn't. She never would. Finally I said 'Stop it, go away, YOU'RE GONE!!' and tried to give her a hug. She had vanished and I woke up crying. I have had crying dreams before. Very rare. This was not a very comforting dream or occurance at all.

In the months leading up to my Mom's passing, she was on Hospice, and bedbound. Many times she and I would talk about my recently departed Dad, and the fact that she believed that he hadn't gone on ahead to Heaven, but that he was right here and waiting for her to pass, so that they could enter Heaven together.

In those 5 long months, she would speak to him constantly, and I believed her, that she was directly in communications with him. She would say she recieved a buzzing in her ear, 1 buzz for yes, 2 buzzes for no.

This went on, seeing her murmuring to him all the time. We also chatted about me wanting her to show us some sign that she was alright and with him once she passed, and she said she would. I later found out that all 6 of us kids, had all had simular conversation, Lol!

The morning she passed, all six of us were with her, all had our hands on her, it was nice, very sad of course, but comforting.

Once all the immediate post death details were completed, signing forms, and the transporting of her body to the funeral home, all 6 of us agreed, that we would take the rest of this day to grieve, to rest up, and begin her funeral plans the next day.

The 4 of us girls, decided to take all of our Mom's flowers and plants to our Dad's graveside, and once we had them arranged on his headstone, we were amazed by this most Beautiful cloud formation. It appeared up on the cemetary hillside, with 2 huge surfboard shaped clouds, one leaning into the other, and pretty sun rays filtering down from the sky, Spectacular! We all got the goosies, and were all in tears. No verbal communication between us was nessesary.

Now if this wasn't their way of telling us that they were All right, Together, and headed for Heaven, then I don't know what! It was an incredible experience!

I have had other strange things happen too, about 3 times where I was alone in bed, and got that feeling of someone sat down onto the mattress next to me, or near my feet, you know that definitely sinking down in sort of feeling. At first, I felt terrified, unable to speak or barely breath, but since this "person" didn't make a move or speak, and that I knew my husband was in the house somewhere, I began to relax, and thought that "whoever" it was, they weren't there to cause me harm. After a few minutes I called out to my husband who was in the family room, and he confirmed it wasn't him!

I've had Crazy Vivid dreams, once of funeral for my Dad (but Nothing like the one we did have), where the "men" were rolling my Dad's casket towards this great big open aired church, and the top of Dad's casket popped open, and Dad, NAKED, sat up struggling to get out, and wanting water to drink! I helped him out, got him covered up and over to a bench, and got him water, then the men wanted him to get back in the casket, and Me arguing with them that he wasn't dead, "he's not dead"! It was then that I woke up startled, very upset and told my husband all about it, and I've never forgotten all the details of that particular dream. Very weird and strange!

I'm not on the site much anymore, but saw this and wanted to contribute a bit.

My grandmother swore her last husband (she had 3 over the course of her lifetime) visited her at night, very frequently after he died. He would sit on her bed and just "be there" - no conversation or anything. It was comforting for her.

When my father died, I wasn't sure I wanted to receive any "signs" that he was around, due to the wreck he made of our lives. I didn't get anything from him at all after he died - he was just gone.

When Mom died a year ago, I looked and looked for signs that she was watching over me. I didn't see anything for a while - then one day I realized that I had been seeing blue dragonflies since her passing - something I rarely saw before. Now I was seeing them everywhere I went. If I was near water (Mom's favorite place to be), there would be a dragonfly either hovering near me, sitting on my vehicle or IN my vehicle with me - and it would always be blue (her favorite color). It has happened repeatedly this summer. We just returned from taking Mom's ashes "home" and placing them where she wanted them. I thought since we were near water, I would see a blue dragonfly, signifying she was there with us, but I didn't. We left and continued on up farther to some of her favorite places, one of which was a waterfall. There was a HUGE blue dragonfly, hovering over and around the falls, flying right up to us and then away again, back to the waterfall, back to us.....I'm sure it was Mom letting us know she was ok and was happy with us for following her wishes (despite the church saying we couldn't put her ashes where we did - they didn't "approve" of it), and that she is ok where she is now. We spent the rest of the weekend doing things that she loved - picking rocks on the lakeshore, looking for "pretties" to take home; picking wild blueberries; hiking to her favorite waterfall where she and Dad spent a lot of time as a young couple; and just spending time together as a family.

Susan, good to see you on here! How - have you been?

I've mixed feelings about visitations/signs from loved ones who passed. I guess it's my religious upbringing, but I have had several dreams that have made me think. Shortly after my Mom died I had one where she, my late Father and late brother were all together. What made it an unusual dream for me was my Dad died when I was four and up to that point, I had never ever dreamt of him. I felt like it was a sign, telling me they were all with each other.

I have also heard that seeing feathers is a sign and since my Mom died I am always seeing feathers on my path. So who knows............

Thanks, Gershun - I'm doing ok. I'm glad we got through the placement of Mom's ashes where she wanted them. It was hard, but it's done now, and we can move on from it. I don't feel the closure I thought I would, but maybe I never will. It just seemed to re-open old wounds and I had to kind of go into emotional retreat mode to deal with it. We fulfilled her wishes, so that's what matters.

a few years ago my best mate of many years died aged 31. id taken a few days off work to grieve, mainly drink! on the night before i was due back to work i got pretty wasted, and surely enough id just turned off my alarms in the morning and gone back to sleep, with no intention of work what so ever. suddenly i was woke up by the bed violently shaking and it didnt stop until i got off it. it was something he always used to do if i was still asleep when he called round when we were younger, shake the bed till i got up. i just got in the shower and laughed knowing it was him

Yesterday morning I opened up the front drapes... they are easy to open as the drapes are on rings... I felt a hand upon my hand helping me. Funny, it didn't scare me. I tried to duplicate what I had felt by closing and opening the drapes several more times, but it didn't happen again. Decided to stop as I didn't want the neighbors to think I as sending out an SOS code.

Plus late the day before there was that unusual smell once again at my Dad's old bookcase where I have what is left of his books and knick knacks. Thus, it probably was Dad's hand trying to help me with the drapes.

I will have to see if there is a pattern.

Dear freqflyer,

I wish I had these experiences. I was writing to some friends that I wanted a sign from my dad. While typing out these emails, I get a text from an unknown number with "I love you." I have never received a spam text like this before. Part of me thought is this a sign from my dad? Or just a coincidence? I know others have found coins and feathers, but I don't think I have personally felt my dad's presence.

A couple of days ago, my FIL, who is on Hospice in my home, told me that he had the most realistic dream that his deceased sister crawled into bed with him, took his hand and just lay there quiet with him. He really remembered every detail, so it must have been so strange! Now I'm hoping his wife shows up, and gives him a reason to not be afraid, when it is his time.

Oh, there is that darn odor again from my late Dad's bookcase, which I have had for almost a year. For the first time very late last night my sig other had finally noticed the smell, and the two cats were standing guard in front of it.

I pulled the bookcase away from the wall, to see if a mouse was hiding back there, nope. This afternoon I will take everything out of the bookcase and give the bookcase a really good cleaning. I know wood, even painted wood, plus books can adsorb odors, but you'd think those odors would be constant, not just every now and then.

Dad always had a great sense of humor, so maybe he is joking with me :)

I find this subject fascinating but am very guarded in my response to it cause of the way I was brought up. But FF your story about feeling a hand on your hand is something that my Mom, a deeply religious woman had happen to her too. Just after my Dad had died, my Mom was praying hard and crying cause suddenly there she was, a widow with seven children to bring up. She said she felt a hand on hers while she was praying. This was a woman who didn't really buy into any of this kind of stuff and yet it happened to her.

I would love for something like that to happen to me, just so I knew that my Mom was around me but I think sometimes when you are looking for signs you won't find them. I do see feathers everywhere I go now but maybe I am just noticing them more now, who knows.

19 years ago for my father's 70th birthday I took him on a surprise trip to the East coast. A trip just for Dad and Daughter. I paid for everything and first class. We stayed at a beautiful big B&B inn on the water in Charlottetown, PEI. This summer my husband and I toured the East coast for three weeks ending in Charlottetown. One day we were riding our bikes through town and I came upon the inn. It was still operating as an inn and I was pretty excited I found it since I had forgotten where it was. I asked hubby to take a picture of me on the sidewalk right where I had taken a picture of my Dad 19 years ago. We were only there for 10 minutes tops and off we went. About 15 minutes later the cell phone rang...Dad (who was terminal but holding his own) had died peacefully right when I was at the inn. A sign I believe from "the other side" to say he's ok now. You were a good daughter and be at peace with this message. I've been filled with peace ever since knowing Dad is in a good place. And no there was no ghostly figure in the picture of me at the inn. lol

The other day I was looking at some of late Dad's books in his book case when out of the blue the mantel clock [gave that clock to my parents on their 50th anniversary] which was on the top of the bookcase, chimed... it scared me silly.

I have had that mantel clock now for over a year and never winded it up as I didn't want the chimes to scare the cats. Plus Dad didn't have the clock winded while he lived in senior living.

It was no special day, no anniversary or anyone's birthday. And I had rummaged around that book case on and off during the year, so if there was a chime left in the clock it would have rung long before now.

Maybe my late Dad was telling me that he had met up with my late cat Sara who had passed the day before.

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