My Grandmother who we share a house with, hates the way the front yard looks. Last year we had to have a new drain field put in and it distroyed the yard. Now, it's half sand and half weeds. She has been bugging us for the past 3 weeks about getting something done about it. She is willing to pay for it and everything. But, I just don't understand what the big deal is! Everyday I am calling around trying to find some one who will get this done. She doesn't want to pay for what they are all asking. It's gonna cost at least 450. She keeps instisting we can get it cheaper. I feel like I'm about to explode! Sometimes I think her mind is stuck at what the cost of things used to be before the econonmy tanked. I'm getting so frustrated.
She's driving my hubs crazy about when he will have the time to do it. He works an 80hr week. He has 2 days off but one day is spending with kids while I work outside of the home. He needs a day to rest.
I don't know how to explain to her that this isn't important. She just doesn't listen and its driving me nuts!!!