My parents are elderly and I am their caretaker. Black sheep of family. I have a therapist, go to 12 step ACOA. On meds. I have become socially avoidant with them and don't want to interact with their emotional lifelong dysfunctional BS and scapegoating on me. I do what I have to and retreat to my basement couch and cry or sleep. Anyone relate? Siblings judge and abuse the crap out of me in talking bad about me to my parents and not doing anything to help other than whirl in with their pontifications and accusations. I am so depressed and want to know if anyone else has breaking points of feeling they can't come back from this. I feel paralyzed by grief. My parent turn HELLO into a problem. The manipulative verbiage and mood swings between the two of them is insane. Mom is an alcoholic but I helped her go to AA until my dad started getting her alcohol outside the home and taking her out so she can drink. My siblings also allow it despite knowing how bad it has ruined our family. The last straw so many times has happened and yet I am always theone who is blamed. Im so depressed.
Sometimes, our families can be pretty dysfunctional. Getting everyone on the same page is quite difficult. I've tried to stay clear of the toxic people and help those that I can be less toxic. I wish there were easier answers. Maybe, you'll get more responses. It's nice to vent here. I hope you feel better doing that.
I think as caregivers it's easy to let our loved ones become our entire focus and that's not fair or healthy for us. So my suggestion would be to get out and start going to some events that you enjoy to start to build you own life. Hugs - this stuff isn't easy!