
I sometimes feel like my father watches over me and is present at certain times.

I know a woman that always finds pennies. Her father was a famous musician and he often sang the song, ‘Pennies from Heaven.’ She is also a singer and sings that song quite a lot.

Posted under relationships because it is the closest suitable category (family and friends).

Maybe there should be a miscellaneous category!

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I do have dreams of loved ones. They feel as if I have had a visit from the people that I loved so much.

I always start thinking about these things when Halloween is approaching. LOL, spirits lurking about...

You are not alone in thinking or feeling that a friend or family member who has passed is present.

Everyone is different in how they experience the death and loss of a loved one.

You know what else I simply could not do is having the cremains of someone in my home. I know it is comforting to some but it would make me uncomfortable. For one thing, who wants them after I would die. It just seems odd. Do they keep getting passed down? I doubt that distant relatives who didn’t know the person would want to keep their ashes.

NeedHelpWithMom, yes, I feel my father's presence as well as my late husband's and my cousin, who was like a sister to me. I even see shadows and get the sense of who it is. My father sends me dimes (which he used to save), and my LH sends me quarters (which he used to take from our change jar, lol), and my cousin sends me nickels (something you don't find very often)--and I find them in the most unusual and unexpected places, and it makes my heart happy. I am open to the idea that the "veil" between planes (here and the hereafter) are thin at times, allowing my loved ones to let us know we're not alone. My dog--who was originally my LH's--often looks towards the doorway and gets extremely happy, with her tail wagging and then gets up and goes to the doorway; I've read that animals and babies are often able to see things we are not. My mother is 92, has dementia, and lives with me. Often she will "see" people and ask who they are; oftentimes she describes my cousin, my LH, and/or my father. Is it just me wanting to hear from them? Maybe. Am I crazy? Maybe. Others can think what they may, but it gives me, my mom, and my sister great comfort to know they are still close by, so who cares what they think? As for others who talk about having cremains in the house and what to do with them, my LH's ashes are in a custom engraved box on my mantel. Upon my death both of our ashes will be held by/interred with my sister. NeedHelpWithMom, it's okay either way--feeling their presence or not--as long as YOU'RE okay with it. You do YOU. Sending love, hugs, and prayers your way.


I think animals can sense all sorts of things. I really do.

I haven’t seen anything like shadows but I have interesting dreams.

My mother in law’s favorite bird was a cardinal and I see lots of those. Like you, I smile. We were offered my husband’s grandma’s house but she was so mean that I turned it down. I was afraid she would haunt it. LOL.

I have not personally had that experience, but I have two friends who each said they saw a vision of their recently deseased wife. Apparently it's not that unusual to sense the presence of someone. I would certainly welcome a vision of my wife again.


Did they say what it is like experiencing a vision of a loved one? Just curious...

My great aunt kept saying that she saw a vision of a lady dressed in blue shortly before she died. Who knows what people see before dying, right? Hospice nurses say they hear lots of stories.

Some do claim to see their loved one after death. I wonder if I would be afraid.

I don’t think I would participate in a seance or anything like that. I did that as a kid in girl scout camp! LOL

Dark Shadows was a popular show on television then and they had seances and we were copying them.

Well, we decided to contact a girl’s grandfather and it was dark in our cabin. We were supposed to be sleeping.

A troop leader happened to knock on the door to check on us because she heard talking and we screamed because we were focusing so hard on contacting the deceased grandfather and just asked for a sign that he was around.

It was funny afterwards but we were so scared when we heard the troop leader knocking on our door. We were silly 12 year olds.

I can certainly understand you wanting to see your wife again.

The year my father died, they had their annual Veteran's Day celebration and memorial at the ALF where he lived with my mother. I was sitting there in the activity room and I FELT him there next to me; the hair on the back of my neck stood up, it was THAT strong a knowledge that his presence was there with me in the room. He stayed for the entire memorial and heard his name called in remembrance as a WWII vet, and then I no longer felt him; it was as if the room lightened up again once he 'left'. It was a very overpowering experience; I've never felt it again and he's been gone since 2015.

Right after he died, I kept finding pennies and dimes everywhere I went. If I was especially sad or in need of guidance with an issue, sure enough, I'd find either a penny, a dime, or both! It happened over and over again for a whole year and I saved all those coins in a piggy bank...........there must be 100 of them. The significance of 11 for me was great; when dad was dying, I was distraught and not sure if I was doing all I could be doing. I'd pray to the dead relatives *his brothers & sisters, mother & father* to give me some sign that I was doing the right thing and that everything would be ok. So I'd constantly be compelled to look at the clock..........and I kept seeing 11:11 or 1:11 over and over again, for months before he died. It comforted me, knowing that the 11s are signs that the angels are nearby............and then finding all the 11's (the pennies-1s and the dimes 10's) all over the place confirmed what I'd known all along. Dad was with me and so were the angels!

Nowadays, I very very rarely find pennies or dimes and it kind of saddens me. But I do know that if I'm particularly worried or distraught about something, a dime and/or a penny WILL appear at the just the right time. And I always shout out THANKS DAD! when I find them!


Oh gosh! I had goose bumps reading your post. Chills. I think your dad was with you.

I love hearing about the pennies. Lots of people find pennies in odd places and odd times. That’s how I feel when I see a cardinal. I always think of my sweet mother in law.

The night my beloved cat died, I heard her purring right next to my shoulder, where she often slept.

We had a lot of rescue horses; two of them were older identical Thoroughbreds. A few days after the second one died, several years after the first, I saw a vision of them. They each had a rider, whose face I couldn't see, and stood on either side of a white horse, again with a rider whose face was blurred, though I knew it was the Lord Jesus. He spoke and said "I'm training him for war." Never forgot that vision....


Pretty awesome! Horses are so beautiful! I loved my cats. They snuggled with me too.

My last dog was the sweetest dog ever. He was a rescue. He was a beautiful greyhound! He stole my heart.

He was the fawn color and he looked like a small dear. He was on the larger end of greys, 85 lbs and tall. They are very thin but all lean muscle! The male greyhounds are quite a bit larger than the females.

All they want is love.

This happened a couple years back. When my parents had passed, I brought home their chiming mantle clock. The clock hadn't been wound up in years, and I had put the clock on top of a bookcase that my Dad had handmade over 70 years ago [I had also brought that home from their house].

When my cat Sara had passed on, the very next day the mantle clock chimed once. It scare me silly as that clock wasn't running. The only thing I could think was my Dad was trying to tell me that Sara was now with him :)


I love that story! Thanks for sharing it.

There is a connection with loved ones on some level. You just proved that!

I have dreams.....I know that some departed loved ones were there. I also feel my grandmother protects at times when I’m troubled or scared. She’s done that since I was seven and she died.


I adored my grandma. I think they look out for us. I have dreams of her. It is always the same dream. I am visiting her in her home just as I always did.

I was in my 20’s when she died. She knew my husband but died before my children were born.

NeedsHelpWithMom, it's a shame that the younger children miss out on such great ladies as our grandmothers.

I was closer to mine more than anyone else, even my parents. I stayed with her more than them and she was my heart and soul. I recall her death when I was seven, but, I also recall how I remained so calm. I never felt despair or pain....and it wasn't until much later that it occurred to me that the reason for that is that I knew she had not left me. She was still there....comforting me, guiding, death did not come between us. That's how I've always looked at it. One day, we'll reunite for conversations and celebrate both our lives.

I hear my name being called when I am in that "almost asleep/awake mode" To the point it was so load I hollared "just a minute."

I saw my grandmother at thecage of about six. My sister, 2, at the time shared a room. Something woke me up and I saw a woman at my sisters bed. She motioned me to be quite. She then kissed my sister, covered her up and walked thru the outer wall. I asked my Mom if she had been in the room she said no. At the time I didn't know it was my grandmother. Later going thru old pictures I found one of her, it was the lady. I always wondered why she paid attention to my sister and not me. I realized why when my sister died at the age of 43 from breast cancer. My grandmother died at the age of 42 from cancer.


Thanks for sharing! Your story gave me chills!

So sad that your sister died so young.


I know what you’re saying. You have an unbroken bond with your grandmother, always have and always will.

My grandma would have loved my daughters. They would have loved her. She got to see two great grandchildren, one from my brother, the other from a cousin, both boys.

My cousin was pregnant and having a girl. She told my grandma that she was going to name the baby after her. Grandma was thrilled. She died when my cousin was about six months pregnant.

I wish she would have met the baby. I do think that she saw her though, just from another realm.

My GGM swore she saw Jesus at the foot of the bed the night before both her hubs passed, and she used to tell us all stories of passed people she had seen. My dad used to stand in our foyer and look out at the road. We got our puppy a few years after he passed, and she for a year would stare at the foyer.. Not upset or barking,, just staring. We got her to help keep Mom company, and I swear Chloe saw my Dad.. And he approved of her. when I say my prayers at night, I always thank Dad and the "ladies" for watching over me.. my GMs and GGMs


Awwwww, so sweet. I believe they are here but in another realm.

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