I've been here since 2009.
I've seen a continued problem of marital breakdown because the spouse is more emotionally "enmeshed, emotionally married to, or emotionally attached" to their parent than they are to who they are married to.
This is not right.
Nor can it be whisked away by saying 'oh, spouses come and go, but you only have one mom or one dad.'
Don't complain about younger people having throw away marriages when I see grown-ups doing the same thing.
I've had to deal with this in real life and it's not a beautiful picture!
I'm sure you'll get some responses from others in the same boat. Nice to see you back here today!
THanks for your very empathetic and compassionate response. Such abandonment feels like an affair. It is and with her mom. Therapists call this covert emotional incest, but most call it being enmeshed.
This sort of abandonment does open the doors for various temptations.
I am ok, but using BIPAP now.
I am so sorry to hear this.
Thank you for your post. I had a similar experience as yours recently.
I'm not ready to give up my marriage at this point in time.
I draw comfort and strength from reading online about others' experience, to keep reminding myself that "people far better than me have had it far worse than me"...