I was the one that started the discussion about what has p*ssed you off about your loved ones. I was mad and in physical pain when I wrote that and I am sorry. My neck hurts, and my mom went thru my mail again to see my therapist's bill which she passively-agressivily throughs in my face. The only reason she lives in my house like a queen is because I see a therapist. I just had serious cervical spine surgery 4 days ago and used poor judgement in writing that and I am sorry if I offended anyone. She just really hurt my feelings again. I guess the little 5 yr.old girl in me still has fantasies about a loving mother that doesn't use inside info about your emotions against you. Also don't use drugs and drive on a computer LOL. So again I apologize about the aggressiveness of my post. Was just having a big temper tantrum and I am to old for that. So many of you have situations that are much worse than mine and handle them with a grace I believe I would not be capable of.This site has helped me so many times and I feel I abused it by writing that discussion topic,so again please forgive me.