
OMG I cannot believe this is HAPPENING....I hired (not payed yet thankfully) a pro caregiver from (and she has her own company-procaregivers) to pick up my partner at 4am...we had it all planned, he is having BRAIN SURGERY and needs to be to hosp by 5am. Suddenly she cannot answer her phone, text and has me blocked on I HAVE NO IDEA how or why this is happening. I did cancel my sub there but can still post and send messages, just not to her??? Everyone HERE says USE!!!

So I have to put him in an UBER? With no caregiver to go with him and be his voice. Her and I spoke for over an hour, agreed on price and really hit it off, I really felt like she would do what I needed, had smarts and was dependable and has nothing but 5 star reviews. I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING.....then I contacted the number on this website for help...twice RESPONSE. I AM GOING INSANE. Then I look on CL for a last minute HELP and I find that she has posted ad there so I EMAIL AGAIN-are we still on for 4am? NO RESPONSE. Have left many VM messages with her..NOTHING. I want to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but how hard is it to text YES? I think I just hit my breaking point.

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That is so wrong and I feel for you, but if it helps, It's not just you. Pro caregivers on are arrogant, stand me up for interviews, give me the stink eye when I ask them to put their phone away, ignore my mom and I hired two different caregivers who never showed up after great interviews. I get the same applicants over and over. I find new caregivers who are in nursing school are far better than the pros. The down side, and the up side is that they need instructions to care for my mom. I've found the "Care pro" caregivers to be bored, tired, want to be paid $15-$20 an hour, and are constantly applying for jobs that might pay more. My guess is that the reason they don't show up is because they find something that seems better.

I am still in shock, I will be sending him to Brain Surgery ALONE and in an UBER because of this B*tch. NEVER again...I will SPAM the internet with her name and the lack of professionalism of And to think I TRIED it due to the reviews here. This is a LIFE changing high risk surgery for him. That a person could do that to us, when we have not another soul to turn to, and I am VERY burnt out, is just...I have no words, only tears.

Where do you find nursing schools to hire from?

Please let the admin know, they shouldn't be letting these people use this site if they are such flakes. If we don't complain they may not know.

I am sorry that you are having to deal with this crap on top of your loved one having brain surgery. I pray that The Lord guides the surgeons hands and is with both of you.

Aww THANK YOU, we will take all prayers and well wishes and good vibes, he needs them and so do I after this nightmare. I am looking into reporting HER to the state and to the BBB.

I just found this for those of you who might have THOUGHT about living the nightmare I am right now.

Also THIS SITE, short of the forums, has not responded to my cry for help. THIS IS WHY WE DO IT OURSELVES and get burned out and ready to die ourselves-ITS TOO MUCH!

I think this is terrible cherrysoda. To stand you up with no notice is not professional conduct. I am very sorry this happened to you and your partner. I would give her a huge piece of my mind and yes, if there are any review sites on FB or whatever I would leave feedback that reflected on your partner’s ride not showing up.

I hope your your day improves and your partner’s procedure goes well.

I did go over and read some of the comments on and many are bad.

I'm sorry to hear of the difficulties you are having. AgingCare is not affiliated in any way with nor do we provide home care referrals to their site. If you are searching for in-home care using, our advisors only provide referrals to licensed professional home care agencies who are vetted through our affiliate program.

I've never used but from what I've seen of it it is basically a message board where those seeking employment and those seeking a caregiver can find each other, buyer beware. I do agree that you should inform the site administrators about this "company", even though they may not be legally liable it is in their own best interest to stop scammers from destroying the credibility of the information available there.
And I hope the surgery went well.

I just heard this on the news that is removing thousands of unverified listings. This is a good thing. Anyone can post an ad and they are not vetted.

My first hand knowledge - my niece was in nursing school and applied through She received a call within two days. In her telephone interview, she explained she was married, with a small child and taking night classes. She also had a teaching degree, previous work with Cardiologists, etc. The lady hired her immediately to care for her bedridden paralyzed husband.

I would definitely suggest going to the local college to recruit a nursing student - you might start with a call to the professors of Nursing who might steer you in the right direction.

Good luck!

I am so very sorry you're in this situation. I will keep good thoughts for your partner and his speedy recovery.
I am trying to recover from a nightmare of epic proportions I found myself in courtesy of a "caregiver/housecleaner" I hired through
Long store short... I am disabled and was going through very difficult time w health & grief. I hired Sarah to take me to outpatient surgery and clean my home. We got along great and began hanging out together. I have next to no family & she needed place to live, I needed help here, I asked her to move in. Seemed logical, I had so much space and help, she was oh so helpful..... WRONG DECISION. She was a VERY SKILLED GRIFTER. a year and half later, my home has been ransacked, my finances totally drained, I was kept confined to my room, my home taken over by Sarah and her friends whom I didn't know, credit cards maxed out, who knows what is all stolen, I was emotionally and verbally abused, medication stolen & went through withdrawal, I have no idea who she really is or where she is, and I ended up suicidal and in a mental hospital. AND claims they ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE for the people they present on their site!!!! Thank you very much, what a lovely service you offer to people who are in need with children, elderly, sick and disabled persons!!!

There was a class action lawsuit against in Mass. You may want to report to your Attorney Generals office also. I am doing this in my state.
The founder of is a former hedge fund manager, so you get an idea of her mentality. And she created the PERFECT FORUM FOR SCAMMERS TO PREY ON THE VULNERABLE! AS LONG AS SHE'S MAKING MONEY, SHE DOESN'T CARE WHO GETS HURT!
I cannot fathom that I fell victim to something as I did. I am a fairly well educated, pretty savvy and intelligent woman... not the kind of person you ever envision being scammed like this. I'm not the blue haired, smiling, little old granny in stockings and nurses shoes, hunched over and leaning on her cane. YES, I am disabled and was VERY sick and feeling extremely depressed. However, I'm a tall, lean, pretty attractive female, with waist length hair, high cheekbones, funky jewelry and no one thinks I look my age. AND, I'm the daughter of cops! The idea of this crap isn't completely foreign to me... but if you're NOT a criminal, you generally DON'T THINK LIKE A CRIMINAL. My point being, if this happened to me, it could happen to ANYONE. WE ALL HAVE TO KEEP OUR GUARD UP, for ourselves and our loved ones. And speak out when/if we encounter something to prevent these soulless scoundrels from preying on others.
I am sure I am not gonna get any kind of "justice" or compensation for what happened to me. But perhaps, someone will read this and it will save them from future pain and harm.

So sorry, CherrySoda. Awful! I would be very upset. I’d report it too.

I hope things went as smoothly as possible for your loved one. Please let us know the outcome. Sending hugs to you. Many hugs!

How are you, CherrySoda,

How is your loved one doing? I pray that everything will work out.

They need to be shut DOWN. I have gone back and forth with their admin, not only to get refunded but to have these girls looking for sugar daddies that are NOT real carers taken off their site. Including the one that did damage to us. Of course the back and forth email only succeed in getting my BP way up. I did a bit more research and they have 100's if not 1000's of complaints. yet they are allowed to EXIST? Now I am reading the stories here and I am mind boggled.

Is there ANY ATTY OUT THERE who wants to shut these fools down and start a class action suit..LET ME KNOW!

I needed a care giver for more that 5 years for my husband, he had Alzheimer's for  20 years.  Why was I notified by the Florida state that I as a wife along with family members that lived in the house had to go in and be finger printed that were filed direct to the FBI.  I did not question this, great idea because when something happens to the patient when there are care givers or family the hospital could call in and get proof of neglect.  I to suffered for years as time went on and had to find caregivers and went through and found it to be a night mare. One wanted my husband to take her pills so he would sleep, another was taking a nap in bed while he was up, and it goes on and on. I to had to have someone come just to have my doctors appt. that were cancelled for several years.  From my years of experience with Alzheimer's patient you need to ask more questions about there background as (did you have your finger prints done, ask to see something that they passed!! Also references from real people not a group that operates the same way just to get into your life and house.  I have missing items,  and God knows what else.  I at some time this fall would love to help someone out, I know the pain and every doctor or nurse that came in to check in my husband said he would have been  gone years ago if not for the care he had at home.  I lost him this past February, I know your pain I lived it (but I am not sorry I did)  we all give up a great part of our lives TO Alzheimer's, There are no choices and you know what happens when they are put away.  God bless each and every one of you.

I needed a care giver for more that 5 years for my husband, he had Alzheimer's for  20 years.  Why was I notified by the Florida state that I as a wife along with family members that lived in the house had to go in and be finger printed that were filed direct to the FBI.  I did not question this, great idea because when something happens to the patient when there are care givers or family the hospital could call in and get proof of neglect.  I to suffered for years as time went on and had to find caregivers and went through and found it to be a night mare. One wanted my husband to take her pills so he would sleep, another was taking a nap in bed while he was up, and it goes on and on. I to had to have someone come just to have my doctors appt. that were cancelled for several years.  From my years of experience with Alzheimer's patient you need to ask more questions about there background as (did you have your finger prints done, ask to see something that they passed!! Also references from real people not a group that operates the same way just to get into your life and house.  I have missing items,  and God knows what else.  I at some time this fall would love to help someone out, I know the pain and every doctor or nurse that came in to check in my husband said he would have been  gone years ago if not for the care he had at home.  I lost him this past February, I know your pain I lived it (but I am not sorry I did)  we all give up a great part of our lives TO Alzheimer's, There are no choices and you know what happens when they are put away.  God bless each and every one of you.

Care.Com is bad ! At least Connecticut caregivers are . Unreliable and unprofessional. I can’t even find a phone number to complain to and they never ever respond to emails
if It’s a hedge fund managers who started the company everybody is screwed !

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