Hi Everyone. Thank you ALL so much for being here. This has been the most wonderful support group! My heart goes out to all of you! It's SO hard to be a (or the only) caretaker! I'm 49 and am totally alone to care for my mom and s-dad. I feel like just yesterday I was young, carefree, riding my bike, being with friends and remember the days where I never worried about being a caretaker for my mom. It makes me so sad to know that those carefree days are gone. I'm afraid of what the future will bring. I have no other family except my mom. I'm totally alone to care for my mom and s-dad. Both are in very bad shape with emphesema, severe heart and circulation problems, etc... At present, my mom is very ill. She has a defibrillator to regulate her heart and to shock her if her heart should stop again. She also has PAD (peripheral artery disease), which is severe. She had 3 Stents put into her legs last week. The Stent in the left leg did not work, so she needs to have an arterial/vein bypass done in her left leg. Today her left leg is very swollen and blue! Some of the blue color is from echymosis, but it looks very bad. She will call her Vascular Surgeon tomorrow (Monday) morning. I offered to take her to the ER, but she refused. I'm the only person my mom and s-dad will allow to help them. I feel that I can't take much more though. I'm on disability myself b/c of chronic pain conditions. I'm exhausted to the point of falling asleep standing up! I can't eat b/c I'm now having stomach pains. My own pain is awful. I'm having panic attacks and feel VERY depressed. "Friends" are long gone. There's so much stress in this house that no one stops in. I'd love to have just some emotional support. I think people are afraid that I might ask them to help in some way if they stop in. I wouldn't. I just need emotional support desperately. I'm taking care of ALL of the household chores. I'm working harder now than when I worked a full time job as a nurse. At least then I could come home and rest after my shift was over. Now there is no rest! Both my mom and s-dad are in such bad shape that I never know if they'll be alive when I get up the next morning. I'm scared! I've been getting bad stomach pains, chest tightness and feel like my life has become a train wreck. I just need support and need to talk with others who know what it's like to have the pressure and stress of being a caretaker. Thank you all so much for being here, although I'm sorry for the stress that you're all under. My mom and s-dad can afford to have help come in, but refuse. Any feedback, guidance, friendship and support would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks Everyone... Kathy
Hang in there and keep sharing your stories and feelings here. It's a wonderful support to share our insanity's with each other...lol. I mean that in the most loving of ways.
God Bless & Love to you all!
Kathy K.
I got my haircut this morning and on inspecting the result I noticed that I have a lot more gray. (Sigh) I'm degnerating too.
I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I have been where you are in that I was the only caregiver for my mother before she passed away. I know it's hard on you emotionally and physically but know that you will get through it. If you ever need to talk, I'm here
Kathy K.
Thanks everyone...
Kathy K.
Move away, find whatever kind of life for yourself that you can, and stop putting yourself in situations that you KNOW are not right. I don't mean to be harsh, just want you know that you CAN do it, you SHOULD do it, and YOU'RE WORTH DOING IT FOR.
Everyone here is absolutely right. It's my life and it's up to me to either give it to my mom and s-dad, or actually live life for myself. I choose the ladder. I want a life!!! I want a place of my own! I want to feel better physically and emotionally myself. Yet I don't know how I can achieve these things. I'm on SSDI disability for multiple chronic pain (musculo-skeletal conditions), and have no savings, no real healthcare. I have Medicare which is useless unless you have a secondary health insurance plan, which I'm not eligable for b/c of age and financially I can't afford any other health ins. coverage. I have no money to get even an efficiency of my own. I have no family. I don't count my step-sisters on my stepfather's side family, and my real dad had two girls after he left my mom, but both live far away and for as much as I've always tried to be close to them, they want nothing to do with me. They got very angry with me when my dad died and the attorney made me his Executrix (??sp) b/c I was the oldest... I gave the Executrix position over to my half-sister immediately, but sadly, they still never wanted to be 'sister's' to me. To make matters a bit worse, I make too much money on my SSDI to be eligable for any type of Assistance, be it for prescriptions, medical, food, cash, housing, etc... I worked full time all of my life b/c I never had the honor of getting married and having children... So I gave so much into the Social Security System by working so hard for years and years, that now when I need help, the Gov't tells me that I make too much money. It's insane and I know I'm not alone in this. I'm open to any suggestions, within reason. I do see a therapist once a week and she's doing all that she can for me, but she knows of the mess I'm caught in the middle of. I'm SO thankful for the therapist I have. She's become more of a friend. I have no friends left in real life. Anyone who's ever come into my mom and s-dad's house, ran the other way. I can't have a date come to their house. I'm going to be 50 years old in April 2011, and I have a F'n curfew! I have no privacy! I may as well tatoo a huge "LOSER" on my forehead!!! I'm so lonely, but I know I can't have, or start, any kind of relationships as long as I live here. Right now, since I'm no longer enabling them in any way, my mom seems to be either 'acting' like she's giving up, or really is just giving up. They keep the house mostly dark, play a country music radio station all day, and then only turn the TV on at night. My s-dad goes to bed at 10pm, and lights are out at 11pm! I live by their rules since I'm living in their home. My own health is suffering badly. I'm hitting bottom with depression and I don't know what to do other than keep talking to my therapist and the one family doctor I see 4 times a year. The only thing I have that means anything to me is my dog, my almost 3 year old pomerania, Bailey. I'd be totally lost without him. Honestly, I'd live in my car if I thought I could make it w/out freezing. I know I can't do that, so here I am. I'm so lost.
I appreciate ALL of your feedback from everyone, and thank you all for the honest feedback you've given so far.
God Bless & Love to you all,
Kathy K.
Be thankful and quit "feeling sorry for yourself".
I would try the " stay in bed" and see what mom and dad can do for themselves. Let them see you need help as do they. AS LONG as You continue to "DO IT ALL", they don't need any outside help. Same with kids; as long as we continue to pick up after them, why should they do anything knowing mom is going to do it for them. Good luck and enjoy your hot tea with lemon. Try a little brandy. Hope you get well soon.
Perhaps your family history is getting in the way of you thinking all this through clearly right now, but know that we here don't have any other reason to say anything to you except that we care about YOU. Please start caring for yourself as much as (if not lots more than!) we do.
Good Luck,
Forgive me for being so blunt, but the emotional support from this forum has always been there. We got you baby! We got you.
There is, however, one very tough decision you alone have to make: either reclaim your life -- including the occasional carefree day -- or continue to unravel along with your parents. ... Or you can shoot for sainthood by setting your sights on the next life because despite all the knowledge and wisdom accumulated over the years you've chosen to suffer in relative silence.
It all starts and ends with you, and I honestly don't understand why you've opted to give in and give up. Perhaps you believe putting yourself first for a change is wrong, but the bottom line is that if you don't figure out a way to care for yourself and be "selfish" you won't be of any use to anyone else.
Your parents, despite their frail state, are still running your life and making decisions for you. Take charge of your life, and start with getting that idea out of your head that you're all they have. No one exists in a vaccuum dear lady. Not even you.
-- ED
I know it's hard, scary to think about and lonely, but at least start making a plan for yourself.
When you are strong again, and your self-esteem can withstand the attacks you know you are going to get, then you can make the decision about caring for them no matter what they say. But I believe right know you need a much deserved break to remember why you want to do it, and to build yourself up enough to be able to win, When My mom started giving me the same kind of resisitance, I began to wonder if I should be doing this at all, with the help from this site, I realized that I was doing this because I wanted to FOR MYSELF. It is the right thing for me to do, and I'm gonna win this one. I tell myself myself that time is on MY side, one day it will be over, and I will be able to be proud of myself and strong, despite ANYONE ELSE'S opinions.
But please remember that this whole thing from start to finish is YOUR life, You can take control of it, and it's your's to live as you thing is right.
Lots of Love,
Kathy K.