I start working at 6:00 each night and never get a day off. Since I live across the street I can go back home through out the night after I have finished my obligations. I go over every 2 hours for about 15 minutes each time until 4 in the morning.
My question is would you consider this on call? I don't really get to go anywhere and she expects me to come over if she calls. My pay is $250.00 pr wk. I don't work through any company.
Second, if I calculate correctly, your working hours are 10 hours, out of which you're scheduled for15 minutes per hour, plus being on call. How often does she call you, and what amount of overall time does that constitute?
Alternately, how many hours per week do you work?
How often does she call you to come over, in addition to the 15 minutes or so that seems to be the regular "shift"?
When I read your post, I immediately thought that there's a bigger issue and that's the physical challenge (and danger) if you're lifting this woman by yourself. What are your duties and responsibilities? Are you responsible for turning her and helping her get out of bed? For toileting assistance?
Someone that size really needs more than one person if physical assistance is part of the responsibilities.
BTW, are you getting any benefits? Is she taking deductions for the usual withholding from a salary?
Since you don't work for an Agency, then you don't have Workman's Comp, unless the patient had bought such an insurance policy just in case you got hurt on the job.
Who takes care of this patient during the day? Family or another caregiver?
Curious why you go home for 2 hours then back to the patient's house for 15 minutes? One would think you would be there the whole night. Or unless she calls you. I would be worried what if the patient is unable to call you due to a medical emergency.
And, HECK YES this is being on call!!! You sleep in 2 hr increments and then you go to a regular job? If not, then your days and nights are flipped and you could sleep days and be up nights. It's still being on call, when you cannot leave.
You're being paid the going rate, but check with someone (an acct or attorney) who could guide you int the ways to file you income taxes appropriately.
You can't ever leave? That's kind of indentured servitude. Where is this woman's family? Who feeds her and helps her during the day?