
I just watched Frontline that told a horrific story about filling those Assisted living facility beds and I think that all of us should watch it. Very informative and eye opening.

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I searched this online and found this story was told back in 2013. I didn't find any developments since.

NotrydoYoda, I think that it is worse now because of the added seniors requiring care every day.

I think my biggest takeaway is that we need to ensure that we have independent needs assessments and we fully understand what the facility is capable of providing.

I do watch the Frontline show occasionally but I missed that episode. Maybe they will repeat it.

Mmm. I tend to look askance at documentary producers who tell horrific stories. Seems to me that often they're only interested in the "facts" that are horrific, and sweep both context and inconvenient opposing facts to one side. I don't know Frontline, but over here we have a series called Panorama - watch that for a season and you'll be convinced that the world and its soul is doomed.

Still - what was the gist? That the evil corporate ALF is forcing people who don't need much support into prison-camp style living? Or that people who have advanced nursing care or memory care needs are being inveigled into choosing a facility that can't cope with them?

CM, they are filling beds with people that should be in nursing homes and people are dying.

They continuously keep facilities understaffed and low pay while 2 of the top executives make over 22 million annually.

Yes, the people that are running the corporation and don't give a shake about the lives that are being lost because of their greed, yes they are evil.

I am not an alarmist and I don't trust the news, this is actual families that have lost loved ones, horrific deaths, to this viewpoint that you say and do anything to get a bed filled.

In the USA no one can force anyone into a facility, unless they are declared incompetent, they are taking advantage of families who are desperate to have professional care for a loved one that has lost themselves in the world of dementia and/or is combative fighting their decline into the abyss. Knowing full well that the facility that is promising professional care isn't even equipped for simple assisted living, let alone dementia needs.

We have all discussed this very situation, not knowing what constitutes an AL, MC, NH because there are unethical people that are taking advantage of the lack of oversight. So you have to check out every facility to ensure that they are not selling a bill of goods and they are set up to help earn the 5k, 6k, 7k a month to care for your family member.

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