Today is why I joined. Days like this. So, here goes...
Hot flashes kept me up last nightand still being hit with them. My back hurts and my legs are numbish. My gramaw did something with the bacon and cheese. Dont know what was in her breathing treatment but not her meds and I can not find them either. My husband dumped the laundry basket out on the ramp outside and it rained. I have to go finish moving my gramaws stuff and clean her old place today. And it is raining. Her dog peed the floor. My dishes multiplied over night. I have a good two basketfulls of ironing piled up. My husband , at 12, is still in bed cause he's depressed cause he can not work due to rain and we are broke. My son came in here aboutv10 minutes ago and got mom? Out of his mouth and I just threw a hand up and said, got nothing left right now. Pretend someone had a gun to your head and said, solve this problem or I shoot. He seems to be figuring things out. Uh-k. That should get me through. My insides aren't quivering now anyways.
Sorry about your day, and even sorrier that there will be more days like this on your journey. I'm glad you found this forum. Vent away!
I have had a bad day. I had to go through all her stuff. You have to look in every insignificant envelope or whole cause she hides stuff. Seeing all the horded garbage just really
brings her mental decline full in my face. And so now, I am
finaly crying. Must of needed to say that. I threw away a
hugepile of her stuff. Nothing she needs but still... And I
found a Mothers day card from my mama to my gramaw that
said Happy Mothers day mama. I love you so much. I wish
my kids loved me as much a you are loved. Hog wash. I was hateful to my husband too. I made it right and he understands but I still feel bad. My son came in here ajd I was crying so now I have to reassure him I am alright. I have fretted all day over a post I read about Medicare. My gramaw is really my mama. She always nurtured and tried to protect me from my mama. And when she got sick I tried to protect her from my mama. Now, right now, I just really, really want my gramaw back. It's just been a rotten day full of the truth.
I used to love ironing. And like you, I now hate it. Everyone else can wash and dry and have wrinkle free clothes but not
me. :D
I am glad you are there for your grandmother. She is so lucky to have you in her corner.
they dont even get folded.
no wonder your overwhelmed, no offense intended but some of your energies might be misdirected.
excuse me while i go do some weed eating ( when hell freezes over )
I like the way a smile makes me feel. Thanks :)
The ironing is backed up because it found it's way to the bottem of the list all on its own...
I am with my son a lot. I am not only his mom but also his teacher. I think hubby might not be getting as much attention as usual though. I thought he would choke when I told him to make his own tea. But, after all, he is the only one who even drinks it. I need relax time with all of them. I have noticed it is very easy to attend to all gramaws needs without really spending time with her so I make it a point to just sit with her in the evenings and talk. Can not remember the last time me and husband did that.
Everythings much better. It's a normal crazy day. Breathing machine blowing the tube off so I am having to hook it to her oxygen bottle and hold it on. The oxygen man will come in the morning. She had a breathing episode today that scared me but she is better now. I broke her coffee pot today so she keeps calling me to tell me she can not find it...