That does not help at all whatsoever with caregiving, but yet she has very strong opinions, and her email was almost hostile, and demanding certain things be done her way. I wrote a DRAFT email to her going into detail about how she shouldn't be so demanding, harsh, etc. and it took quite a bit of time on my part and I went into a lot of detail. I realized later what a waste of time that was, and toned it down to two basic sentences. I thought I didn't have the energy to get into a lot of crap with her and she was probably just blowing steam anyway. Anyway, with difficult siblings, or people in general, do you find it much easier to just to keep your reply short, and perhaps not bring up all the things that was written by the other person?
Now, everything is on a need-to-know basis. I no longer communicate with a neighbor of my mother at ALL, for ANY reason, because she's an annoying trouble-maker. And I haven't notified my non-involved brother of my mother's latest health situation, because it doesn't matter. If these people aren't helping, then they don't need to know any details or the reasons behind any of your decisions. Go ahead and be as short as you want! You don't have time for this.
In the future I will not be communicating with her. Period. End of story.
I won't say I made demands, but I made strong suggestions for intervention, where my bill just wanted to let their mom die (which is what SHE wanted). Sometimes the person who appears to be throwing weight around is actually just wanting to be heard. Just a thought.
But in my sisters case she just likes to be in charge and like I said if you aren't willing to help then in my opinion you have forfeited your right to give orders and criticize.
Recently I tried to talk with her. I told her how her behavior makes me feel. What I got back was a disgusted snort and a snippy lecture. So now I plan to just stay clear of her. I will be civil and text her updates of important information even though she does neither.
I guess what I am saying is I think your instincts to keep your reply short is wise. The less you say the better.