I was so surprised today when my mom 83 yrs old and has all kinds of health issues asked to talk to me and said she wanted me to know that she feels guilty that I moved in with her gave up my life and does not want to ask me to do all the things she really wants me to do around the house ( that needs lots of work) and wishes my sister who lives next door would do more. I let her vent and I tried not to cry but I'm so emotional and shed a few. I told her this is where God wants us right now(she has faith but not practicing) and that we are both very lucky to have eachother and a roof over our heads. She amazes me sometimes and others I have those angry feelings and need to remember these good times and that she won't be here forever. She mentioned that she is either gonna end up in a diaper and not able to help herself ( she does a little feeding and bathroom) or he's gonna take me with a stroke or heartattack. So weird to me talking to her about this stuff. I do love my mom however a year before I moved in I was not close to here for childhood reasons and now all that has gone away and I live to care for her with all my heart. I hope my daughter will learn from me and others will too. It's a tough spot to be in but I would not change it for anything. I love you mom glad your here :)
God bless!
You are so lucky to have a kind and considerate mother. I can understand your desire to want to care for her, her empathy for you makes it easier. Not all elderly parents are like that and as a result, their adult children what nothing to do with their care. Wish my mother was like yours. Mine is always complaining and never satisfied even though she is financially secure and is in relatively good health. I can never see myself wanting to care for a person like that and will never do so. I envy you and your mothers relationship. Bless you both!