We went to a barbeque with my friend, and that was good. Then we left and mom didn't hear my friends mom invite her anytime, she didnt believe me when I told her this. She argued with me all the way to her apartment. Then my car overheated, and I did a foolish thing, I thought the radiator was cooled down it wasnt when I took the cap off and I burned my hand not to bad though. We were at rite aid and got coolant for the car. After that the car ran well, also found out low in oil.
I'm so exhausted. I am staying home tommorow, I need to. My mom has plentyn of food and I will remind to her pills from the tuesday campartment. She gotten lot better doing that. She wants to do things the way she was taught. Like calling the person to see if she can come over, even sha has astanding invitation to come over anytime.pami