Obligation not love keeps me doing this caregiving but im at the stage where i dont have any escape it is the most unrewarding soul destroying thing i have ever done. If it was a relationship i would have walked away, so why am i still doing this its not good for him and real bad for me , i wished i had never taken him on hes nasty selfish mean and manipulative ,, ungrateful and plain aggressive ,and dirty, and im irritated confrintational and exhausted
from it
Sounds like a struggle for you and I can only imagine how difficult caring for this person must be.. Can you call Social Services to help you get some help ?.
Please give us more information when you get the chance..Meanwhile..I'll say a prayer.
You finally posted that it is your father. We didn't know who "him" is.
As cwillie stated unless NZ has some laws that adult children are responsible I wouldn't do it. Sounds like you had a rough childhood(sorry to hear that), but taking care of parent who you love and gave you a good home and childhood is difficult enough, you don't want to take care of someone you resent.
There must be some agency that deals with elderly people who have no family or no family willing to take them.