Forget siblings charging in to help, support or step, find surrogate sisters/brothers and cheer each other on this incredibly challenging caregiver marathon! Looking to connect with a small group of people willing to reach across cyberspace and form a sibling-like support group. This lonely and depressing state can't be it! Anybody interested?
when i get to feeling isolated i go to a very large indoor flea market in our town . it takes a couple of hours to check it all out . by the time i get thru there my contempt for the human race has been fully recharged and i shag back to my hill like the devil was after me .
in the flea market they never fail to have some old wooden table legs for sale . i always wonder if buying one of them implies permission to bust the next idiot you see over the head with it . 2 bucks'd be a bargain if that were the case .
I found a local support group for caregivers of persons who had the same condition my husband did was very useful.
I find that this website discussion forum (and others I've participated in over the years) offers a lot of support and encouragement and nonjudgmental suggestions.
So I wish you well in finding a few folks who want to form a smaller support group.
(I'm finding that the larger group is meeting my needs at this time. Plus I have swell sisters!)