I would never hesitate to become a caregiver to my husband or children if they were to become incapacitated. Why do I find it so undesirable to do the same for my elderly parents? The very thought literally turns my stomach. I do not understand why I feel this way except maybe because I chose my husband and children? I have never read anything about this situation. Am I alone in this thought process?
You concentrate on your husband and and children. Let your parents pay for the care they need.
((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))) I am so sorry for what you have gone through.
But, gosh, toward the end of life some adults become helpless to varying degrees and need someone to depend on. It sure isn't going to be their parents! So ... (in my opinion) their adult children have responsibilities to see that they are safe, fed, comfortable, and cared for. That may not mean that they personally do the hands-on caregiving.
The relationships we have with our parents is very different in nature than the relationships we have with our children. It can be very uncomfortable to have the parent/child relationship reversed. But it can be done, and many caregivers manage that very successfully. It just doesn't surprise me that thinking about it is upsetting.